zartin • PM |
Jul 12, 2013 9:33 AM
![]() Posts: 3 |
i want to join a clan :
so any clan ?? |
proximity77 • PM |
Jul 12, 2013 12:08 PM
![]() Posts: 85 |
Do you have Xfire/Steam? If so add me. Steam: Gamerboy1995, Xfire: t3chk1d
Our clan is called TheFuzeClan and we have 7 servers alive. Please feel free to contact me or sign up on our forums! |
greenteckxd • PM |
Jul 17, 2013 3:31 AM
![]() Posts: 25 |
Our clan is called =|Raging Extreme Xecutors, we are just starting out with 6 members active and servers should be up in by the end of July, Our clan is easy to join and very Positive energy comes from the members follow the link below for more information on the clan, Donation panels will be set up by the end of July also. Thank you for reading this reply. ![]() ![]() |
ksefpr1dez • PM |
Sep 20, 2013 6:11 PM
![]() Posts: 2 |
I am also looking for a clan to join. any suggestions?
can1mal • PM |
Nov 01, 2013 9:01 PM
![]() Posts: 2 |
that's just one of the branches am from the USA branch ,feel free to look us up.i'll leave one of our USA Server in the link my xfire is shanchin server: |
skyline20 • PM |
Nov 23, 2013 9:41 AM
![]() Posts: 12 |
Shadow Scouts are recruiting
add xfire: reikokruus001 ![]() ![]() |
benneyy1 • PM |
Nov 30, 2013 6:49 AM
![]() Posts: 9 |
Hey ksefpr1dez,
do you have Xfire? If so you can join our clan (MABE clan). Thank you. |
rockintheburgh • PM |
Apr 21, 2014 4:29 PM
![]() Posts: 8 |
ksefpr1dez wrote: Hi, i was looking for some players to check out the new dedicated server for call of duty 4 1.7 I rent and built with tons of new weponds like antrax and missle torants and if you get so many kills you can ride in the Black Haulk and shoot from the chopper... ip is maybe giving out some admin rights and start a clan with players that are regulars that's ROCKSTARS TACTICAL if you have some ideas for the server let me know but I would like for you guys to come try out my new dedicated server with custom perks and weapons the IP is ROCKSTARS TACTICAL if you have filters on in your master server search make sure to have ff set for all FF is on (friendly fire) with custom maps and a great chance to play at a rockin' server... NEEDED FOR OUR CLAN: |RTT| ROCKSTAR TACTICAL TEAM, because we ROCK! SNIPERS HEAVY GUNNERS BOMB PLANTERS POINT MAN SOMEONE IN THE MIDDLE WITH SMALL ARMS FIRE POWER AND SOMEONE TO WATCH THE REAR ANYONE WANT TO JOIN A TEAM GOING PRO COME TO ROCKSTARS TACTICAL COD4 V 1.7 OUR SERVER Features: ===================================================================== Auto turrets Laser mines Lock-on rockets Laser guided rockets Dark natter cannon EMP Grenades Freeze grenades Sticky proximity grenades Anthrax gas New quick chat menu options: Deploy Time Bubble Laser ON/OFF Third Person ON/OFF Left / Right handed weapon Change crosshair Status voices Invisibility cloak Deploy med station Place spawn beacon View stats Taunts Place teleporter New weapon sounds for: AK47 M4 G36C Mini Uzi AK74U P90 M249 SAW RPD M60 Winchester1200 M1014 M40A3 Sniper Dragunov Sniper Barrett Sniper Desert Eagle Grenade explosions New weapon models: RPG -> AT4 Rocket Launcher MP5 Red dot -> MP5 Red dot + silencer M4 Grenade launcher -> M4 Grenade launcher + eotech (square red dot thing) MP44 -> AR20 Carbine M40A3 Sniper -> erm... another sniper model ![]() New skins for: M16 AK47 M4 M249 SAW M9 USP .45 Silver Desert Eagle All camos have been changed apart from the digital and gold camos New helicopter models Loads of blood, bodies have a chance of gibbing when killed with an explsive, shotgun or Barrett .50cal Blood on your screen when hurt, and goes on other players screen if they are close enough Killing sprees Message center Damage modifiers Weapon spawn ammo changable Rage Ranks Challenges, weapon/perk unlocks and create-a-class, just like normal CoD4 Camo and challenges in ModWarfare mode Taunts Pain sounds Death sounds Vortex Portals Automatic M16 (only when no attachments are used) Automatic G3 (only when no attachments are used) End of match stats Extra ambient sounds Cars get damaged if you land on one and get hurt from the fall Night mode Spec the winner in UT3 style Ambient mortars Up to 11 Map vote Killcams that we were meant to get in 1.7 Ion cannon Mortar barrage Meteor shower Black hawk helicopter, when used you can fly around in it, use the mingiun and fire locking on rocket Binoculars are used to target the mortar barrage and meteor shower Lightning storms Status voices Invisibility cloak Stats Fully customizable taunts Auto assign only option Searchable dead bodies Anti camp system Med packs Med stations Kills and time remaining announcments UAV planes circle the map while UAV is active, UAV planes can also be shot down by the enemy team Options for perfectly still scopes while holding your breath Spawn beacons Admin commands And much more! Auto Turrets: Auto turrets automatically scan the area for nearby enemies, if an enemy is in range the turret will open fire on them. The damage and fire rate can be increased if the owner has the either the Stopping Power or Double Tap perks. Auto Turrets take 3 seconds to arm once deployed. Laser Mines: Once a laser mine is deployed, a beam will emit from it and travel across the map until it hits an object If the beam is broken by an enemy going in to it, he will instantly get blown up. Laser Mines take 2 seconds to arm once landing on a suitable surface. Locking-on Rocket Launcher: To lock-on with this, you must aim at a player until the lock-on bar reaches the end and says "LOCKED ON" The player that you are locking on to will receive a warning sign that apears on their HUD indicating that they are being locked on to. Lock-on rockets can also be used againt helicopters. Laser guided Rocket Launcher: Once a laser guided rocket has been launched, you have full control over where it travels too. To control the missiles just aim at the position where you want them to travel to. Dark Matter cannon: The damage of the Dark Matter Cannon is decided on how long you have charged it for, to charge the cannon up you hold fire while having it selected then release to fire. A number in the right hand side of you screen indicates the maximum damage that it will inflict on the enemy. Freeze Grenade: Freeze grenades replace flash grenades and are ideal for reducing a players vision and slowing them down EMP Grenade: The EMP Grenade is a very useful item, it can be used to disable enemy Auto Turrets, Laser Mines, Sticky Proximity Grenade, diable cloaking and decrease players visibility. Sticky Proximity Grenade: Proximity grenades will stick to any surface (apart from players), once it has stuck to a surface it will then watch for any enemies that come close to it, then detonate. Time Bubble: Time bubbles stop any kind of bullet and explosions from passing in or out of it. Time bubbles can also repel enemies that get too close. Vortex Portals: These spawn at random TDM spawns through out the match, if you go in one you get teleported to a random TDM spawn. Rage: To get Rage, you must get 10 kills with less than 3 deaths. While you have rage your health regenerates and your speed is increased. Spawn beacons: Spawn beacons allow you to have some control over where you respawn, if you have a beacon deployed when you repsawn you will spawn at a random spawn within a set radius of it instead of spawning near your team mates. Spawn beacons can also alert you when it "sees" ememy players nearby. Also includes: Freeze Tag gametype (v1.2) |
wickysnip • PM |
Apr 21, 2014 8:01 PM
![]() Posts: 54 |
Welcome to GAMERS COMMUNITY Network, home of a social gaming group
Our community simply aims to provide a reliable, consistent and stable platform for adult PC gamers. Our primary focus is on maintaining our social network of gamers, encouraging and supporting them to play online together. |
skully86 • PM |
Aug 18, 2014 12:21 PM
![]() Posts: 10 |
TGS is recruiting website all you need to join is register on site and talk on TS3