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Forum Home > Call of Duty 4 Mods & Maps > [RELEASE] Awe4some Version 6
[RELEASE] Awe4some Version 6
Aug 05, 2009 3:43 AM
Joined: Aug 25, 2007
Posts: 1


A year after the last update, version 6 is now ready to go live.

Version 6 is the largest version so far, containing even more exciting features to make killing your enemy so much fun, and in so many different ways.

The mod mixes the great features of AWE4 with custom innovative ideas from people such as KiLL3R to bring a unique gaming experience to the users.

Overview of Features:

- Customised menus
- Custom load screen
- Custom Main Menu
- 230 Ranks
- Air strike is back
- Overkill perk
- No gun sway for the snipers
- Updated Ion Cannon hard point
- Mortar Barrage hard point
- Meteor Shower hard point
- Black Hawk hard point
- Custom/updated quick message menu
- Electro music play list
- Rock music play list
- Random 1 & 2 play lists
- Ghillee camouflage toggle option
- Gun laser toggle option
- Spawn protection
- New admin tools
- Custom weapon skins

Note: Ranks may be a bit messed up when you first play on the update. When you rank up for the first time, everything will work ok again, so get killing!

Server Name: insane.hardcore new maps!

Server IP:

If you wish to manually download the files, you can do so from:

Then just place all the files in them in C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\Mods\awe4some

Screen Shots:

Thanks To:

KiLL3R - for his efforts in co-producing this mod update and his many features from K3.

NovemberDobby - for his help and advice in achieving the new ranking setup.

Project107 - for his glove/arm skins for insane.

AWE Team (RGN) - for the AWE4 source code. All rights to AWE source code is reserved by RGN.
Last edited by: sprinter Aug 05, 2009 3:45 AM
Oct 01, 2009 1:30 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2008
Posts: 21
sounds great...

I've reposted it here at

(must be registered and logged in to view, but essentially your post).
HackHunters AntiCheat Community
Last edited by: greenbean Oct 01, 2009 1:32 AM