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help me in making my cs 1.6 server !!!!!!
May 01, 2012 6:12 AM
Joined: Mar 12, 2011
Posts: 5
hello all i want to add my server at game tracker but its says that


One of the following suggestions may help you:

Your server is currently offline.
GameTracker needs your server to be online before you can add it to our database. Please restart your server and make sure it's up before hitting ADD SERVER again.
You entered the wrong query port.
Please update your query port and hit scan again
Your server is firewalled.
Please turn off any firewall you have that may block scanning

ok i go to my private ip which is this ok then i log in and go to advanced option and then port forwarding option and these setting i have set:-

name:Counter Strike
ip address:
Inbound Filter:allow all
this is what i have set and i turned off firewall but still i can't add my server at gametracker i opened u my server then i go to and then i copy my public ip and paste it and my port of my server is 27015.
i always turned off firewall whenever i add my server.
can anyone tell me what should i do to add my server at gametracker what things i need and what settings i should set.
i can give you any information you need regarding my server.
i am very sad and i am trying to make my server added and i have not added yet and 1 year past.i watch lots of videos bt still not understand
and most important that i go to and install static ip setup
please help me

i need a help
May 01, 2012 10:44 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924

I am not sure whether CS scanning uses TCP or UDP. I would recommend opening 27015 for TCP also. That may help you.

Being that you portforwarded and turned off your router, you may want to make sure that the server is set up to run off of the IP. This may involve adjusting the command line or config to use the public IP for your server.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

May 02, 2012 7:12 AM
Joined: Mar 12, 2011
Posts: 5
can you please write it like this

please write it down so that i can just copy that and paste it
May 02, 2012 11:29 AM
Joined: Oct 17, 2006
Posts: 983
Just to clarify - The query on all valve games (CS, Half-life, etc..) is performed over UDP.
I do not provide support over PM. Please ask your questions on the GameTracker forums.
Closed Account
Jun 07, 2012 10:19 AM
Hey Fahadddd,
I think I know why your server is not being tracked. It is because you didn't forward the correct ports. I was also in the same situation.

The tutorial at for forwarding ports for Counter-Strike is not correct. Why would we need to forward the ports 1200 and 27039 when our game port is 27015???
You only need to forward your game port which I suppose in your case is 27015.

You should put these details into your router/modem:
Internal Ip :
Internal Port : 27015
External Port : 27015
Protocol : TCP/UDP

Jun 07, 2012 11:23 AM
Joined: Oct 17, 2006
Posts: 983
rahber wrote:
Hey Fahadddd,
I think I know why your server is not being tracked. It is because you didn't forward the correct ports. I was also in the same situation.

The tutorial at for forwarding ports for Counter-Strike is not correct. Why would we need to forward the ports 1200 and 27039 when our game port is 27015???
You only need to forward your game port which I suppose in your case is 27015.

You should put these details into your router/modem:
Internal Ip :
Internal Port : 27015
External Port : 27015
Protocol : TCP/UDP

As far as GameTracker is concerned, you only need to open the game port (27015 by default). CS uses this port for both game traffic and query traffic. GT needs the query traffic.

As far as 1200 and 27039 - I'm not entirely sure. There may be other services CS performs. I would recommend checking the included "readme" or documentation that comes with the server.
I do not provide support over PM. Please ask your questions on the GameTracker forums.
Closed Account
Jun 07, 2012 11:31 AM
maul wrote:
As far as GameTracker is concerned, you only need to open the game port (27015 by default). CS uses this port for both game traffic and query traffic. GT needs the query traffic.

As far as 1200 and 27039 - I'm not entirely sure. There may be other services CS performs. I would recommend checking the included "readme" or documentation that comes with the server.

I have only forwarded the default 27015 port for my server which uses this port and my server works. GameTracker is able to scan it and also players are able to join it.
You can see my server:Need For Headshot ~{nfh}~ Sever#1

Jun 07, 2012 1:27 PM
Joined: Mar 12, 2011
Posts: 5
rahber wrote:
Hey Fahadddd,
I think I know why your server is not being tracked. It is because you didn't forward the correct ports. I was also in the same situation.

The tutorial at for forwarding ports for Counter-Strike is not correct. Why would we need to forward the ports 1200 and 27039 when our game port is 27015???
You only need to forward your game port which I suppose in your case is 27015.

You should put these details into your router/modem:
Internal Ip :
Internal Port : 27015
External Port : 27015
Protocol : TCP/UDP

well friend it didn't help me i did that in my router
Name:Counter Strike
IP Address:
Inbound Filter:allow all
thats what i did in my router and then i used this port on starting my dedcated server 27015 but that did work for me

my public ip is

i have 2 routers one is connecting to tv and the other connecting my computer can you please help me in detail my email is
Last edited by: burn Jun 07, 2012 3:43 PM
Jun 07, 2012 4:02 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Do you have a static IP? When you are adding the server, are you adding the current IP (if it is dynamic, you need to check to see when it changes)?

I am not sure how necessary it is if you just have one public IP, but did you specify the IP in the command line/config?

Have you confirmed that all hardware/software that would prevent scanning is open or disabled? This would include the firewall and router. I know you said the firewall was disabled when you try to add it - does that include all firewall software on your computer? This may include windows firewall in addition to any software you purchased.

Do you need to portforward in both routers (should depend on how you set that up)? You could try disabling / turning off the TV router to see if there are any issues.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Closed Account
Jun 07, 2012 4:08 PM
Hey Fahadddd,
I am not able to understand what you posted:
Name:Counter Strike
IP Address:

Look at the image below:

This is what my router's page looks like.
You should select Customized Service and give it any name you want. Then in Protocol select TCP/UDP followed by 27015 in External Port and Internal Port. Then type your server's local network address in Internal server IP address

You can find your server's local network address by looking at your Hlds's window, example below:

Lastly, as mentioned by Burn it also depends on how your 2 routers are set up.

Here are two examples.
Set Up Type 1:
Internet cable goes to Router A from where two cables go out. One to your PC and the other to Router B. From Router B a cable goes to your TV's IPTV box.
For this setup the above mentioned steps are sufficient and you only have to port forward Router A.

Set Up Type 2:
Internet cable goes to Router A from where two cables go out. One to your TV's IPTV box and the other to Router B. From Router B a cable goes to your PC.
For this setup you must port forward Router B the way I told you before and then you also have to port forward Router A using the same method but this time the Internal Server Ip Address will not be of your Counter-Strike 1.6 server but of your Router B. This ip can be found in your Router B's settings page.

Do comment if what I told you above works or not.
~{nfh}~ RaHBeR