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New Server using BF2Rank & VIP access 7 days free trial
Jan 17, 2012 8:18 PM
Joined: May 23, 2009
Posts: 4
Game Name: CSCZ
Server Name: =[FOJ]=BF2Rank-FreeVIP!
Server IP:

Free VIP Access

We offer free access to our VIP subscription when they are available. A server without human players got no reason to live, this is why we don’t mind to give them free when they are vacant.

For free users of our service with less time played on the server during the current week; VIP access will be changed back to Normal User if:

-VIP quota is maxed and someone susbcribe with Paypal.
-VIP quota is maxed and we have players on waiting list. (2 per week)


-Free nades each round. (HE,2FB,SG)
-Free Armor+Helm
-500$ per kill and per HS 800$
-15HP per kill and per HS 30HP
-See bullet damage at real time
-Only VIP can buy Sniper's
-Can use admin chat
-Slot reservation
-Every 3 rounds:
Free M4K1 and Deagle+HE (Working for T)
Free AK47 and Deagle+HE (Working for CT)

////////////////////////BF2 Rank////////////////////////

Get a badge for killing player. When you have required ammount of badges, your rank will increase.

Collect 24 badges by completing achievements.

3 Level of badges available: Basic, Veteran, Expert.

Example 1: To get Pistol Combat Badge <Basic>, you need » 3 Pistol Kills in 1 Spawn/Round. You will get 20% chance of freezing your enemy as a bonus for completing this achievement.

Example 2: To get Explosives Ordinance Badge <Basic>, you need » 30 Global Grenade Kills. You will get 20% more Grenade damage as a bonus for completing this achievement.

You probly know that higher badges are more difficult to get but the rewards worth it.
Last edited by: hurighoast Jan 18, 2012 7:31 PM
Jan 18, 2012 7:33 PM
Joined: May 23, 2009
Posts: 4
Just to say I updated this post, it is no more a 7 days trial but I offer free VIP access as long as they are vacant.

We need great players to come play with us. See ya all online !