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=.KoG.= is Recruiting!
Jun 07, 2018 10:43 PM
Joined: Sep 19, 2017
Posts: 5
The Knights of Gaia clan (aka =.KoG.= ) is recruiting members/admins!

You wanna have fun with us and give a hand to keep our servers troll free? Good!

The Knights of Gaia clan (aka =.KoG.= ) is always recruiting admins to have fun with us and help us with the trolls and so on!
We are looking for players who are cool and who also know what it means to play as a team.
What we want precisely:

[*]Older than 18 years old
[*]No VAC ban
[*]Sex, Origin, Religion, CV : Irrelevant (we are internationnal)
[*]Respect others and more generally our rules
[*]Member of our Steam group page
[*]Part of our Discord server:

We are not especially looking for members who play only games we support, nor play only on KoG servers, you aren't getting paid for this after all, it's a GAME.
This also means, never forget this is all about gaming!
Being part of a clan doesn't necessarly means a very strict structure with lots of rules,
the few we have can be reduce to just: "have fun and respect others", not hard isn't it?

In addition we want our members to take it easy, should you involve yourself more in the clan is awesome of course, but we all have our lives too: work, family, health, hobbies and so on, thus we don't force our members to do anything exept:
everyone to have fun with us and help us getting the best place for... Gaming when they can!
Our other goal is to connect people from all around the world regardless of origin, gender, beliefs...
Finally, all clan members are by default squad leaders as well, meaning they can invite anyone they want to become squad member. (that being said, the ones they wish to invite still need to fit the squad member application)

=> Once clan member, when playing on =.KoG.= servers have fun! And when playing on our public servers, and help us get rid of toxic players who are disrespectful/trolling/cheating and who intentionnally teamkill.

Please create a topic in this sub forum and fill in the form bellow:

[*]Steam_ID (which has the form of STEAM_X:X:XXXXXXX) :
/!\ To get your Steam ID ingame, open the developper console and write: status it will display yours (with all the other players), or copy/paste your Steam profile's URL to
[*]Link to your Gametracker. com profile (not mandatory, but really usefull):
[*]Your Referral: (if you have one, and he/she needs to be a =.KoG.= clan member)
[*]Which is your main game (Insurgency, Killing Floor 2...):
[*]Which server do you play the most on:
[*]Age (/!\minimum required 18 years old):
[*]Tell us a bit about yourself:

When done, we'll check out how you behave. And if you fit to how fun and respectfull players should be, you'll be invited to join our ranks and then you'll be able to wear our sexy tag (this tag is mandatory, as it's also proof that you have admin abilities ingame towards other players).

Don't forget even if you apply and that you are added to our Steam Group, it doesn't mean you're a member yet. So don't try to put our Tag on without being given green light. It would result in permanent ban from our servers.

Obviously for players who are recommended by our current members, I shall accept their application and set them admins on our servers faster than without any referral.

/!\If you have been a trouble maker on our servers and/or if you have been VAC banned on any game, don't even bother applying. Your application will be denied.
When applying be sure to fill in the form with everything. Overwise if after 1 week max you don't complete it, your application will be denied

There's no fix delay for a reply, it can take few hours to few weeks. Nothing personnal, but this mainly depends on your activity, behavior, communication with us...
And don't forget, just like you, we all have our lives!
Last edited by: kogkosmos Oct 10, 2018 8:33 AM