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Forum Home > Quake 3 Server Administration & Help > Are host Had Forced a new IP on us
Are host Had Forced a new IP on us
Dec 31, 2011 8:21 AM
Joined: Nov 04, 2009
Posts: 2
Happy New Year To All GT Surport Team.:'( This is what are host said.Within the next few days we will be moving your server to new hardware. This will change the server IP address. We will leave the original server up for a week, redirecting players to the new IP address. If you have any questions, please open a support ticket within your control panel.Ok we now have a new gametracker ip listing,this is it we need are server stats back from the old ip gametracker page.this is the old one. Can u please help.
Dec 31, 2011 10:50 AM
Joined: Dec 04, 2010
Posts: 8
baldyboyatac wrote:
Happy New Year To All GT Surport Team.:'( This is what are host said.Within the next few days we will be moving your server to new hardware. This will change the server IP address. We will leave the original server up for a week, redirecting players to the new IP address. If you have any questions, please open a support ticket within your control panel.Ok we now have a new gametracker ip listing,this is it we need are server stats back from the old ip gametracker page.this is the old one. Can u please help.

Yes please. This is the third time we have had to start over on our server stats. I mostly care about our rank. Starting at 750 and having to work back to below 100 takes months.
Jan 01, 2012 6:53 PM
Joined: Dec 22, 2011
Posts: 4
Time to get those scores in!