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Teamspeak 3 errors
Feb 04, 2011 6:57 PM
Joined: Oct 05, 2008
Posts: 16
I have tried a few time now to add this teamspeak 3 to game tracker.
I have contacted the host Primary target with the same error and they say it would be game trackers end. The ip of the teamspeak 3 is Query 10011
I keep getting this error.
One of the following suggestions may help you:

* Your server is currently offline.
GameTracker needs your server to be online before you can add it to our database. Please restart your server and make sure it's up before hitting ADD SERVER again.
* You entered the wrong query port.
Please update your query port and hit scan again
* Your server is firewalled.
Please turn off any firewall you have that may block scanning
* Your server isn't configured to respond to scan requests.
NOTE: all instructions assume you are not trying to connect from/to "localhost" and are on another IP Address outside your domain.
1. Open a telnet session to your server on the query port
2. Execute a "use port" command
ex. use port=[myserverport]
3. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
Yes, goto 4
No, goto 11
4. Execute a "serverinfo" command
ex. serverinfo
5. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
Yes, goto 8
No, goto 11
6. Execute a "channellist" commmand
ex. channellist
7. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
Yes, goto 10
No, goto 11
8. Execute a "clientlist" command
ex. clientlist
9. Is the result "error id=0 msg=ok"?
Yes, goto 10
No, goto 11
Your server can now be been added.
Please review the Teamspeak 3 documentation to make the command that failed return an "error id=0 msg=ok" and goto 1

Feb 04, 2011 8:30 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Your server lacks necessary permissions as you probably figured out with that guide.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Feb 04, 2011 10:19 PM
Joined: Oct 05, 2008
Posts: 16
Yeah that worked.
Thanks mate.
Oct 05, 2011 6:58 PM
Joined: Nov 03, 2009
Posts: 4
I do "serverinfo" and get

virtualserver_unique_identifier=HzF3Fsx5TsbVlk1772DFevuRUgU= virtualserver_name=WarServers.NET virtualserver_welcomemessage=Welcome\sto\sTeamSpeak,\scheck\s[URL][\/URL]\sfor\slatest\sinformation virtualserver_platform=Linux virtualserver_version=3.0.0\s[Build:\s14957] virtualserver_maxclients=100 virtualserver_password virtualserver_clientsonline=1 virtualserver_channelsonline=1 virtualserver_created=1314229195 virtualserver_uptime=691 virtualserver_codec_encryption_mode=0 virtualserver_hostmessage virtualserver_hostmessage_mode=0 virtualserver_filebase=files\/virtualserver_2 virtualserver_default_server_group=11 virtualserver_default_channel_group=12 virtualserver_flag_password=0 virtualserver_default_channel_admin_group=9 virtualserver_max_download_total_bandwidth=18446744073709551615 virtualserver_max_upload_total_bandwidth=18446744073709551615 virtualserver_hostbanner_url virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_url virtualserver_hostbanner_gfx_interval=0 virtualserver_complain_autoban_count=5 virtualserver_complain_autoban_time=1200 virtualserver_complain_remove_time=3600 virtualserver_min_clients_in_channel_before_forced_silence=100 virtualserver_priority_speaker_dimm_modificator=-18.0000 virtualserver_id=2 virtualserver_antiflood_points_tick_reduce=5 virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_warning=150 virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_kick=250 virtualserver_antiflood_points_needed_ban=350 virtualserver_antiflood_ban_time=300 virtualserver_client_connections=0 virtualserver_query_client_connections=5 virtualserver_hostbutton_tooltip virtualserver_hostbutton_url virtualserver_hostbutton_gfx_url virtualserver_queryclientsonline=1 virtualserver_download_quota=18446744073709551615 virtualserver_upload_quota=18446744073709551615 virtualserver_month_bytes_downloaded=0 virtualserver_month_bytes_uploaded=0 virtualserver_total_bytes_downloaded=0 virtualserver_total_bytes_uploaded=0 virtualserver_port=9988 virtualserver_autostart=1 virtualserver_machine_id virtualserver_needed_identity_security_level=8 virtualserver_log_client=0 virtualserver_log_query=0 virtualserver_log_channel=0 virtualserver_log_permissions=1 virtualserver_log_server=0 virtualserver_log_filetransfer=0 virtualserver_min_client_version=12369 virtualserver_name_phonetic virtualserver_icon_id=0 virtualserver_reserved_slots=0 virtualserver_total_packetloss_speech=0.0000 virtualserver_total_packetloss_keepalive=0.0000 virtualserver_total_packetloss_control=0.0000 virtualserver_total_packetloss_total=0.0000 virtualserver_total_ping=0.0000 virtualserver_ip virtualserver_weblist_enabled=1 virtualserver_ask_for_privilegekey=1 virtualserver_hostbanner_mode=0 virtualserver_status=online connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_sent=0 connection_filetransfer_bandwidth_received=0 connection_filetransfer_bytes_sent_total=0 connection_filetransfer_bytes_received_total=0 connection_packets_sent_speech=0 connection_bytes_sent_speech=0 connection_packets_received_speech=0 connection_bytes_received_speech=0 connection_packets_sent_keepalive=0 connection_bytes_sent_keepalive=0 connection_packets_received_keepalive=0 connection_bytes_received_keepalive=0 connection_packets_sent_control=0 connection_bytes_sent_control=0 connection_packets_received_control=0 connection_bytes_received_control=0 connection_packets_sent_total=0 connection_bytes_sent_total=0 connection_packets_received_total=0 connection_bytes_received_total=0 connection_bandwidth_sent_last_second_total=0 connection_bandwidth_sent_last_minute_total=0 connection_bandwidth_received_last_second_total=0 connection_bandwidth_received_last_minute_total=0
error id=0 msg=ok (99 ms)
Total: 99 ms

What does that mean?
Oct 05, 2011 8:27 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
That is just the information received from the server. If you are confused by a specific value, you may be able to find out what it is my searching the term on google.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Oct 06, 2011 3:12 AM
Joined: Nov 03, 2009
Posts: 4
So I should be getting that?
Oct 06, 2011 6:05 AM
Joined: Oct 12, 2008
Posts: 439
jackogara wrote:
So I should be getting that?

By searching on google you can see what all of that values do its just for informations.
Former Gametracker Moderator.

- Please don't PM me since I'm retired, any PM's may go unanswered.
Feb 08, 2014 9:44 AM
Joined: Mar 09, 2013
Posts: 11
Uhm, I added all ports in my router and added the permissions and still can't add my server to gametracker. Help?
Feb 08, 2014 10:10 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Consider posting the IP, Port, and Query Port.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Feb 08, 2014 10:19 AM
Joined: Mar 09, 2013
Posts: 11
Port: 9987
Query port: 110011

It isn't working