- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
7 Days to Die Sydney Australia No Blood Moon PvE - 7 Days to Die Server in United States
Updated once every 24 hours
AirDropFrequency 72
AirDropMarker True
AllowCrossplay True
AllowSpawnNearBackpack True
Architecture64 True
BedrollDeadZoneSize 15
BedrollExpiryTime 10
BlockDamageAI 50
BlockDamageAIBM 50
BlockDamagePlayer 100
BlockDurabilityModifier -1
BloodMoonEnemyCount 8
BloodMoonFrequency 10
BloodMoonRange 0
BloodMoonWarning 8
BuildCreate False
CurrentPlayers 2
CurrentServerTime 2334527
DayCount 3
DayLightLength 18
DayNightLength 60
DeathPenalty 1
dedicated 100
DropOnDeath 2
DropOnQuit 0
EACAndSanctions EACEnabledOn,IgnoreEOSSanctionsOff,
EnemyDifficulty 0
EnemySpawnMode True
FreePlayerSlots 6
GameDifficulty 2
GameHost SYDNEY PvE 10 Day Moon V1.0
gamemode Survival
gamename 7 Days To Die Sydney PvE 10 Day
gametype 7DTD
game_description 7 Days To Die
game_directory 7DTD
IsDedicated True
IsPasswordProtected False
IsPublic True
LandClaimCount 1
LandClaimDeadZone 80
LandClaimDecayMode 2
LandClaimExpiryTime 10
LandClaimOfflineDelay 0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 0
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 0
LandClaimSize 82
language English
LevelName Navezgane
LootAbundance 100
LootRespawnDays 15
MaxChunkAge 25
maxplayers 8
MaxSpawnedAnimals 10
MaxSpawnedZombies 80
ModdedConfig True
OS 119
PartySharedKillRange 500
Ping -1
platform WindowsPlayer
PlayerKillingMode 0
PlayGroup Standalone
port 25000
protocol_version 17
QuestProgressionDailyLimit 4
region Oceania
reply_format source
RequiresMod False
ServerDescription Sydney PVE : 10th Day Blood Moon : New Starter Kit
ServerLoginConfirmationText Welcome : If you get an error when you activate your starter kit just a relog will fix it. Admin Lee
ServerVersion V.1.0.333
ServerVisibility 2
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap True
steamAppId 0
steamid 90200770819410957
StockFiles True
StockSettings False
suggested_bot_count 0
suggested_players 2
UniqueId 5e1e39becc0845098ff685f118eeb976
version 01.01.00
WorldSize 6144
XPMultiplier 100
ZombieBMMove 3
ZombieFeralMove 3
ZombieFeralSense 0
ZombieMove 0
ZombieMoveNight 3
ZombiesRun -1