but look at your server it's empty 24/7 and you blame it on an update but what you don't understand is that you're defending a dead server so I feel sorry for you. I know what sex with zombies is but I also know that 95% prefer not to play there anymore for many reasons
Unfortunately I think you are blind you should check your status in your server it is only your server that has a bad status everyone else is as usual that is why you lost players because of your bad attitude and no one is interested in a Russian server with full of Russian text then there are others who have talked to each other and asked others to stop playing in your server that is why you have lost all the players but you don't understand better.
to mohamed_440
Damn, you're correct from now on, so i feel bad for u having such bad experiences in the server, i might be the lucky one to not have it or something. Very good experiences i had back then that i just easily blamed you, hope something to be fixed. Also, if u see me on unloze or nide, don't forget to greet me bro (Twizzy_Osamason)
no one wants to play in swz that's why you have no players but you blame an update for being the problem do you see nide or eh have the same problem ? no they have full servers It's only swz that has big problems with players, which I can understand because the server is total shit