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Rank | Name | Score | Time Played |
1. | Buzzard the Bee | 4 | 42:38 |
1. | Mr. Nice Guy | 4 | 30:37 |
3. | ducky368 | 2 | 12:08 |
4. | Slippy_da_frog | 0 | 00:12 |
4. | El_Scorpio63 | 0 | 36:35 |
4. | ShortBus | 0 | 00:12 |
4. | CrazyTaz_420 | 0 | 1:24:32 |
4. | ValentineWReX | 0 | 30:37 |
9. | bum | -1 | 00:12 |
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