We here at old men with guns are trying something new. Starting this weekend we will be running FFA maps 24/7. The FFA weekend ends this Sunday night. Then will start next Friday with a different game mode for URT 4.2.
We at old men with guns are trying to keep our server exciting and fun for all.
Welcome to the Community of OLD MEN WITH GUNS. We are a Urban Terror Community. We are group old farts that who like to have some Fun!! We don't care about your Skill or something like that. We play just for Fun.
We are running Urban Terror 4.2 Server. The Root Server is located in Germany.
Everybody is invited to our Game server. As long as you can behave yourself, you are welcome.
The only thing that is important for us is to play fair. We hate Cheaters and we will do everything to keep them away. If you see a Cheater on our Server please take a Demo and upload it so we can Ban Them!!
Please upload your Demos to oldmenwithbadattitudes@gmail.com
On our Servers are running B3 Bots.