1. No cheating
Always keep the game fair and fun for every player. The use of any cheat, hack, software or tweak intended to give more advantage on other players is strongly forbidden and will directly lead to a permanent ban, no forgiving.
2. Be friendly!
Simply do not insult any member or player. Remember it is a game so have fun and let others be.
3. English only
We are an international community, with players from all around the world. Please stick to speaking english and if you have to use different language to talk to a friend, use PM system. (in chat "@@<player name> <message>")
4. No glitching allowed
Elevators and glitching outside the play area is not allowed. Bounces are allowed as long as you are not using them to glitch outside the play area.
4. Gameplay information
Following perks are disabled and cannot be used on server:
- Grenade Launcher,
- 3x Frag
- Martydrop
- Last Stand
- Juggernaut
Server also provides some useful commands that can be typed in chat using $ prefix. For more information type $help in chat.
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