- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
7 Days to Die CoolKidz - 7 Days to Die Server in United States
Updated once every 24 hours
AirDropFrequency 72
AirDropMarker True
AllowSpawnNearBackpack True
Architecture64 True
BedrollDeadZoneSize 15
BedrollExpiryTime 45
BlockDamageAI 100
BlockDamageAIBM 100
BlockDamagePlayer 100
BlockDurabilityModifier -1
BloodMoonEnemyCount 8
BloodMoonFrequency 7
BloodMoonRange 0
BloodMoonWarning 8
BuildCreate False
CurrentPlayers 0
CurrentServerTime 6292747
DayCount 3
DayLightLength 18
DayNightLength 60
DeathPenalty 1
dedicated 100
DropOnDeath 0
DropOnQuit 0
EACEnabled True
EnemyDifficulty 1
EnemySpawnMode True
FreePlayerSlots 8
GameDifficulty 3
GameHost CoolKidz
gamemode Survival
gamename My Game
gametype 7DTD
game_description 7 Days To Die
game_directory 7DTD
IsDedicated True
IsPasswordProtected True
IsPublic True
LandClaimCount 3
LandClaimDeadZone 30
LandClaimDecayMode 2
LandClaimExpiryTime 7
LandClaimOfflineDelay 0
LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier 4
LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier 4
LandClaimSize 41
language English
LevelName Navezgane
LootAbundance 100
LootRespawnDays 7
MaxChunkAge -1
maxplayers 8
MaxSpawnedAnimals 150
MaxSpawnedZombies 64
ModdedConfig False
OS 119
PartySharedKillRange 100
Ping -1
platform WindowsPlayer
PlayerKillingMode 2
port 26900
protocol_version 17
region NorthAmericaEast
reply_format source
RequiresMod False
ServerDescription A 7 Days to Die server
ServerVersion Alpha.21.2.37
ServerVisibility 2
ShowFriendPlayerOnMap True
steamAppId 0
steamid 90200784704682006
StockFiles True
StockSettings False
suggested_bot_count 0
suggested_players 0
UniqueId 80609305ed6345818679acade0279090
version 00.21.02
WorldSize 6144
XPMultiplier 100
ZombieBMMove 3
ZombieFeralMove 3
ZombieFeralSense 0
ZombieMove 0
ZombieMoveNight 4
ZombiesRun -1