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Join us as we venture into the massive Green Sea Terrain. We've got a fresh start of Antistasi Ultimate, pitting CUP ACR vs Ion PMC vs Rebels for control of Chernarus and the surrounding regions.
By dingos8 | May 27, 2024 11:33 PM
Welcome to AccTac BMR Insurgency: Malden featuring CUP. The fabled home of Odysseus, Malden, is an island of rocky coasts, picturesque vineyards, steep mountains, and rich culture. Now, as in ancient times, Malden has been overrun by her enemies, and we must fight to drive the invaders from her shores! Play as USMC while you clear sectors occupied by the AAF, destroy arms caches, gather intel, and unlock rewards to continue the battle.
By dingos8 | Apr 06, 2024 2:07 PM
Welcome to AccTac Invade & Annex: Malden featuring CUP. The fabled home of Odysseus, Malden, is an island of rocky coasts, picturesque vineyards, steep mountains, and rich culture. Now, as in ancient times, Malden has been overrun by her enemies, and we must fight to drive the invaders from her shores!
By dingos8 | Feb 22, 2024 9:02 PM
Welcome to AccTac Anizay Antistasi; a land of sweeping deserts, lush oases, rich cities and richer culture. Our land, too long under the heel of corporate lackies and foreign invaders. Now it is time to take our land back; to drive them from our home.
By dingos8 | Jun 28, 2023 6:27 PM
Winter brings us back to Chernarus, to face a new threat. Join the UNSC or the Insurrection in this Capture The Island mission. Whether you want PvP, TvT, Coop, or Solo; this mission has something for you. Join our discord for communications and modlist. Stay Warm and Happy Hunting!
By dingos8 | Feb 11, 2023 2:10 PM