Lipton i send two times -but no asnwer still (and in dialog with you-was blocked. maybe its some mistake on web site i dont know.but i cant now write you any message.
You where banned for your continues spamming/trolling in game, insults to other players & insults to many of the admins on the server. You were warned many times, including smites, moves to spec, kicks and Temp bans. These all seem to have had NO effect as you continued with this behavior.
You then started trolling/spamming on the forums, so you have been banned there also. Now you are doing it here. You just DO NOT know when to shut the hell up. You have still not learned anything.
You keep saying you were banned for no reason; the reasons have been stated MANY TIMES. Look at my first sentence. THAT’S THE REASONS… NO MORE…. YOU ARE BANNED from the game server and the forums now for A YEAR… So please go play on another server. and if you post anymore anywhere you will be perm banned FOREVER… Think… I will not change my mind, you have gone too far, do not post anything if you do, I will also contact the other servers admins and give them your GUID and a complete run down of why you have been banned on Historians…
anyway-everybody who wants to play normal on this serv-as i understand-you should silent-or you will ban if you-from russia -or you answer to some trolling-any way-of they want to ban you(admins)you ban you with out reason.