All right... I recorded again DeagleMaster and two others, cheating and doing like they wants...
Enough is enough... Not to do like he/them owns the server.. So i urge admins to take action and ban all those hackers who ruins by day and night like nothing happened... If no admin can handle at the night shift, give admin a person who is able to manage the night shift and also stay online!
yet again i have been banned for no reason, accorging to Mad r ( admin) i kept asking for full map WHAT EVER THAT IS, Adim need to get thier facts straight before banning someone, all i did was go make a brew & came back and was banned
so why have i been itg because i complained about the map which was chosen, the same 1 we were already playing and no-one chose to extend aztec or is some-one jalous of my playing and position on the top players board or is it that i detest hackers which is a problem on this server but they never seem to get banned
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin mad_R. [AMXBans] There are 6 days , 23 hours , 51 minutes and 15 seconds left of your ban. [AMXBans] Banned Nickname : samer [AMXBans] Reason : ' Wa