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Rank | Name | Score | Time Played |
1. | Scout | 70 | 2:10:08 |
2. | Eater of Cabbage (Barrelbrained | 60 | 2:41:13 |
3. | Daft Bonk | 34 | 1:19:18 |
4. | hole filler | 33 | 2:44:05 |
5. | lysytsya | 26 | 2:15:01 |
6. | george costanza | 25 | 39:55 |
7. | Duke Nukegg | 24 | 2:26:22 |
8. | bb mr. B anana | 23 | 39:55 |
9. | juliana | 22 | 30:09 |
9. | KON | 22 | 48:11 |
9. | psy•che•del•ickkk | 22 | 42:34 |
12. | .vmf Averi | 20 | 1:02:26 |
12. | [Castaway]YesQuickplayNoNerf | 20 | 39:55 |
14. | Hompo63 | 18 | 1:35:06 |
15. | Backstabbing Scumbag | 15 | 1:24:18 |
16. | TheShelteringSky | 12 | 1:06:09 |
17. | Fred Luchs | 11 | 36:11 |
18. | Wombat Repellant | 6 | 15:12 |
19. | Pasta | 1 | 59:49 |
19. | SaneTick9282929 | 1 | 07:06 |
21. | TOP HAT PYRO | 0 | 07:06 |
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