fs_game | mods/OGHFBots |
fxfrustumCutoff | 1000 |
gamename | Call of Duty: World at War |
g_compassShowEnemies | 0 |
mod | 1 |
penetrationCount | 5 |
protocol | 101 |
shortversion | 1 |
sv_allowAnonymous | 0 |
sv_disableClientConsole | 0 |
sv_floodProtect | 4 |
sv_maxPing | 350 |
sv_maxRate | 25000 |
sv_minPing | 0 |
sv_privateClients | 4 |
sv_pure | 1 |
sv_voice | 0 |
ui_maxclients | 40 |
_Admin | Flatsix |
_banner | https://oghf.org.uk/templates/rt_fluent/custom/images/Logo2.png |
_Email | flatsix@oghf.org.uk |
_Maps | Custom maps with a fast redirect and a Like poll to help pick the best |
_Mod | OGHFRocks |
_ModVer | V2 |
_WEBSITE | http://www.oghf.org.uk |
_xlrstats | http://xlrstats.oghf.org.uk/ |