- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Call of Duty 4 {Forgotten Heroes}FFA1 HC - Call of Duty 4 Server in United States
gotten worse.
By proelite2012 | Nov 16, 2017 1:00 AM
Can you please release me from the time out chair.

Kip - aka StormOhio/StormChaser
By stormohio | Jul 24, 2017 5:40 PM
[NF]Obi-Wan here, you just need to git gud m8
By mercenaryforhire | May 01, 2017 11:28 PM
[NF]Obi-Wan is blatantly using a wallhack, but you guys probably already knew that...
By surrealist139 | Jan 21, 2017 7:55 AM
What a complete waste of time. Everyone camps watching a spawn point and spawn kills.
By bertgummer | Dec 10, 2016 3:22 AM
Hi Josh,

Thanks for the feedback. We do actively enforce spawncamping rules when an admin is active in the server. That being said, with the game type being FFA our viewpoint is typically that of "if it's borderline, let it go" since higher player counts on small maps makes it difficult to be fair towards mobile players.

I know you said it was multiple users while you were on, but if you remember the user name(s), I can take a look and flag them in our database. We could then give them some extra scrutiny next time they connect.

By fh-pear | Jul 26, 2016 10:56 PM
Hello admin. i joined the free for all server 5 times. i ping great to that server which is awesome. however what is with the blatant spawn camping and players roving the spawn areas. someone had said that it was not permitted but no admin that was on at the time did anything not a thing. i stopped by the community and read through the servers rules and rule 9 says it's not permitted. i was told by a few community's that the forgotten hero's servers used to be great one person said that they were prob the best around but have lost all standing within the gaming community due to the type of game play and rules being bent just to get traffic. i liked the server but i will find somewhere else to play if this issue with spawning is not fixed. thank you for reading this . Josh
By joshoc | Jul 26, 2016 10:35 PM
What has happened to the Quality of games on the ffa server. the spawn roving and camping is killing it. i know cod is not what it used to be and stuff and on your forum you say its a rule but admins turn a blind eye to it and its sad.
By proelite2012 | Feb 26, 2016 12:46 AM
Quick question ... why when I try to join the game it says I have been kicked? Thanks. Steve
By az_steve | Sep 14, 2015 5:54 PM
I have just been kicked, but I am trying to comply with rules. Not spawn camping, no martydom, etc. But, I do lie low in some spots (not spawning spots) and yet still being kicked. What is your rule. Does one have to be moving all the time. Can one not just hide in bushes without making some one angry. Why was I kicked?


By az_steve | Jul 08, 2015 12:20 AM
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