We have:
● The economic system of the server !shop. Earning credits and buying important options to help you play
● Rating system !top which takes into account the achievements of each player
● A lot of integration with discord (the game chat is connected to the discord channel, lists of top players are published, there is a bot assistant server assistant)
● Bazooka
● Laser mines
● Turrets (dronegun)
● C4 (breach charge)
● Cars (yes, you can drive a car on our maps)
● ZM maps - survival
● ZE maps - maps with a plot
● ZR Maps - Survival with bots
● MG maps - mini games
● Adequate admins
● Voice groups (you will communicate with adults)
● Voice overdrive (you always hear the voice chat well)
● And many other things that are less significant, but no less pleasant