Thats a good start so a small community like us can stay together. Hopefully we can all put this mishap behind us and enjoy some good old classic gaming!
I'll remove Sandman's ban when he stops being disrespectful and publicly siding with those who attack the SWBF community. Again, it was Anyder who started swinging the banhammer first, then Led, and ONLY then was I forced to swing it next. JackDaniel has supported my SWBFSpy PS2 server and spoken of his appreciation for it. I'd prefer to issue as few bans as possible, and they could always be revoked, once all their posts are edited (by the individuals who made them) to remove any hostile comments about me or what I've contributed to SWBFSpy. More happened here I've relocated to
Goodness gracious, i cant leave this community alone for a couple of weeks and all of this happens! Rx's suck,they make u feel labatomized!! nothing beats the tune of some booze and good old mary jane! huh fellas?lol we'll regardless of all of this, here are my two cents!!...I am a libra who admires scorpio's strenght and what not..what the heck is that jdl?lol you are poking a wasps nest with a freaking twig man!!lol Mr.Phobos please forgive my dear Canada friend he knows no better. he doesnt have too many people to socialize with, up there in the artic and all,u know?lol. His commentary was equivalent to saying that eating cheetos and spanking his monkey is going to yield the same results as the person who works a 9 to 5 and pay the freaking mortgage!!lol. However he is a good hearted man, and noone cant take a good joke like him!lol. Basically him and i feel the same way, and that is that banning non Admn. is to harsh of a penalty. How about suspension?? its a good catholic ruler to the hands and all!lol...but at the end its up to you. And sorry for taking a good poke at u jdl,u just make it too easy man!lol
Non-contributors might not care about who fixes the game or how, but those who make it possible care. And that's what I'm doing, working on making SWBF 1 & 2 playable again for everyone. Everyone who is actively working together on it is listed on the info page. There is no "need" to fight over the truth, it just seems to offend those who don't support it.
Guys, I'm a libra, born September so I like balance. I can act as mediator for the fucking sake of the community. Why we all fight over a 2004 game. Can we just get along and not caring about who did what but how we can get this working? Nobody cares about who's responsible for how it happens, we only cares about the present so let's work together on making swbf1 and 2 playable for everyone and that's it.
I'm working on the MS so that all can play once again, it's thx to the OpenSpy contributors that SWBFSpy even exists and we will eventually be able to support the PS2 servers again.