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Category: Welcome New Members
by Ladybadass
Oct 09, 2024 12:34 AM
Banned for......
Category: General Discussion
by Beatlebailey_dsc
Jun 02, 2024 12:15 PM
ban appeal for devon
Category: Server Complaints and problems
by Beatlebailey_dsc
Jun 02, 2024 12:13 PM
banned for.....
Category: Server Complaints and problems
by Beatlebailey_dsc
Jun 02, 2024 12:11 PM
Posts: 264   Topics: 78   VIEW FORUM
2024 Top 10
Rank Name Score Time Played
1. -=ARP=-Lady Squirrel 48009 738.88 hr
2. -=ARP=-Beatle Bailey 31454 424.65 hr
3. [415]HellsWithMe 21286 341.98 hr
4. Bob's your Uncle AOF FSSF 19178 359.67 hr
5. -=ARP=-Captain America 15439 312.23 hr
6. -=ARP=-Rat 14948 298.43 hr
7. Roland_Fr 13460 197.95 hr
8. Salacious B. Crumb 12970 156.43 hr
9. -=ARP=- Full Metal Diaper 12086 266.58 hr
10. Lewis 11295 270.57 hr

Congratulations to the top ten for 2024
Fun to have you all here
-=ARP=- Beatle Bailey
Jan 01, 2021 12:19 PM
-=ARP=- is short for "Alternate Retirement Plan"

This is because we are a more mature gaming community with many of us being married with children of our own, and in some cases, we are grandparents. Yes, I know that concept is a bit foreign to many of you who are under 20, but it's true, us old geezers like to game on-line just like you do. And now, we have a place to do it.

You youngsters are more than welcome to jump into our game, just please respect the fact that some of us have young children in the room who can hear the language from the game over the speakers and for this reason, we ask that you keep your language "Family Rated."

Thank You.

We also like our WWII game to be as realistic as possible, so we have Friendly Fire on at all times. This will encourage you to step your game play up a notch or two and not shoot helter skelter into your teammates.

We, your teammates, thank you for not shooting us.

Please respect our admins.

They work hard and take a lot of abuse for no pay. Often their game play suffers because they are dealing with an issue on the server and cannot devote their full attention to killing enemies.

If you are a player who is running away with kills... for example, if you are 40 kills and 3 deaths on a map, please understand that our admins tend to get complaints about that from other players.

We have to answer these complaints.

Often we will ask you to switch weapons or to switch teams...just something to change what is going on and maybe get your score more in line and make the other players a bit happier.

All Talk is on all the time at -=ARP=-. It's more fun to laugh at the way you died or to laugh at your dead enemy when your enemy can hear you. We encourage laughing. It's contagious. Pass it on.

And remember -- this is not your life -- it is a game. Have fun. If it gets too serious for you, then stop. Go outside and enjoy the sight of a tree or hug somebody you owe a hug to. When you think it might be fun to play DOD:S again, come on back. We will be here.

Author: Wile E. Coyote
Feb 22, 2010 9:34 PM
Rank Gm Name   Players Loc Map
84 Day of Defeat Source -=ARP=- Alternate Retirement Plan 0/0 United States Unknown
17 Day of Defeat Source -=ARP=- Alternate Retirement Plan new 17/26 United States dod_convoy
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Alternate Retirement Plan - A Day of Defeat Source Gaming Community
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World Rank
399th out of 141978
Game Rank
Day of Defeat Source Day of Defeat Source 3