jancsi33 • PM |
Dec 02, 2010 3:00 PM
![]() Posts: 217 |
I expect it to be good like your other maps but man, can't you make a map without a Chaos Gravity Vortex?
vk__ • PM |
Dec 02, 2010 3:18 PM
![]() Posts: 460 |
Going to delete that again, not good.
thomasito • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 9:54 AM
![]() Posts: 221 |
Yup, vortex needs to be romoved (on the Sektors as well by the way..)
I also strongly recommend to remove the relics... people with healing-relic can camp wherever they want to, almost the same for relic of defense... the relic of guns in the well can remain, helps to get down a node quick but usually this player is very distinguishable from the others and therefore more likely to be targeted and eventually to get killed quite quickly. The redeemer can stay where it is, but remove all those health vials, the supershield and the big keg o'health from up there! Campers shouldn't be rewarded that much, especially when the normal player won't EVER get up there. You need to change it anyway when you remove the relic of haste I guess. Also, you could put up more lights up there so that guys who get there the first time see where they can jump onto. Not quite sure about the node setup yet, the main battle was in the great hall and a real comeback when all secondaries are lost seems to be impossible yet. We need another isolation (that isn't achieved with the nodes in the main hall). Otherwise I like the map except my insance glitching problem, but since nobody else seems to have that this is a thing on my side you can't do anything about. =/ ![]() |
xicesnake • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 12:56 PM
![]() Posts: 255 |
I love CGV. But a CGV is not a weapon for NV map.
Relics suks, exept the relic of haste. the most powerful is the bersek one, and heath, attack and defence are two unfair. I think u should put only two relic of haste in the center of the map (put shield instead) Also I advice u to put two health charger near each center node, coz it's really spammy over there. Finally, change the link setup again. The actual one sucks more than the first one : during 5 minutes, it will be DM on center room, then, one node is constructed, the next is destroyed, and that's already over (u checked it out today). Once in difficults, u can't comeback, it's over. Take some inspiration form mine, but pay attention for levels (coz I didn't care while doing it). Finally, manta is a good idea, but like foundry I advice u to put one at each core, not at each center node. I think it's all (for the moment). Nice job anyways ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 1:42 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
Thoughts and stuff I've noted about this project:
- VK is making more maps which helps with his UEd experience. - This map has relics, which I find an interesting feature. - It's a bit dark for me; and in a lot of places too. Bringing up the lighting even a notch could help distinguish targets better. - I know it's marked 'NV', but there are very few ways to play this map strategy-wise. It's mostly node-to-node run n' gun and, I guess, that's where the "playground" part comes in. Fun for DMers, boring (if not frustrating) for the most. Perhaps a linksetup change might help there. Btw, before anyone brings up similar map examples like Bridge, Mael, Beer, etc., remember that all those maps feature multiple tactical paths. Right now Playground isn't equal to those in that department. - Vortex gun: blatantly vulgar and annoying even in the way it kills you (takes forever). Please remove. Another reason is, for this shiny little trinket to work, the map carries with it a 10 files dependency which I have to look up and dig out from cache in order to play it offline. Maps should be as myLevel'd and standalone as possible, especially if a very small percent of the referenced resources is actually getting used. - Hall ceiling seems pretty much unexplored beside those wooden planks you have to hop between to collect some unexpected goodies. Why not raise the ceiling (about 50% more) and place a special node there or something? You can then put some more prominent (and working) jumppads in a few places that take ppl up high, and let 'em sort things out amongst themselves (and gravity). - Mantas really don't belong here (other than as a passing tribute to Foundry, I guess), plus they wouldn't last long in the middle of this... mutated firefight anyway. - Why does the Guns relic have to be 3x time consuming than the rest to collect? Please shorten the well a bit, or consider some alternatives. - I've been playing around with the relics offline for a while myself; in most of your maps, you're barely scratching the surface with the ones you've chosen (i.e., they're the predictable and kinda boring). We could be having much more fun with Radiation, Vengeance, Vampire and/or Momentum, not to mention Strength is similar to Guns, but more subtle and with the same practical effect (=> slower rate of fire => less channels for the server). Please consider using some of those too! - All those little breadcrumb HP vials create excess channels for the server too. Why not just a keg or a small shield in the middle? - Since it seems they're taking turns, I'd like to request for the next beta version of this map that the minigun be added and the shock rifle removed. Given that good players are skilled fighters with any weapon as proven by the fact that nobody seemed to mind the absence of one gun, I suspect this shouldn't be a problem now either. Right? Right? Edit: Add avrils too plz, they help with nodes. An oddity: - I dunno what you did with the static meshes this time around, but ppl seem to get stuck in plant bowls all the time and mantas, well, they just pass through any non-brushed obstacle. Please check. All in all it's not a bad map, although I can't say I'm having fun with yet. Sure, the pph is high, but I feel it's missing some ONS variety (and I don't mean vecs) that could make things interesting.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Dec 03, 2010 2:23 PM
vk__ • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 2:34 PM
![]() Posts: 460 |
For al the crititism; I have eyes to. And making a perfect balans from the first beta isn't possible (yet).
But thanks for the idea's I changed few things already: Added some jummpads in the center hall In center hall there is a "air blower" that pushes u in air so u are able to reach some pickups like "vampire". But u can't get the superweapons from that point. Removed CGV Different fully action link setup like Ice' Added collsions around the plants, stairs, no1 get stuck anymore, and it's optimized what results in more fps, less calculations for server. And a lot more gameplay changes, new meshes. thomasito wrote: U don't need relic of haste ![]() pegasus_ wrote: Chat Logs from b1 and b2 http://sharetext.org/A29W
Last edited by: vk__ Dec 03, 2010 3:15 PM
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 4:07 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
I see Mad_Max offered his usual, insightful input there, lol. Anyway, waiting for a chance to play new beta, since it seems I missed it. Apparently there's sliding doors and framerate issues on the current one from what I read, so should I try getting this or just wait for the next beta?
kentaro • PM |
Dec 03, 2010 6:14 PM
![]() Posts: 205 |
I like that map !
Nice ons deathmatch. Otherwise, an other link setup that allows you to take an alternative way in order to defeat the enemy may be even better. Or add some nodes if you find where. Good job =) Kent' PS: I only saw beta 1. If thing are better in beta 2, i can't know it ![]() |
vk__ • PM |
Dec 04, 2010 1:46 PM
![]() Posts: 460 |
vk__ wrote: B3 is ready! More changes: I placed some boxes in the playground to cover the nodes Giant door in mail hall to playground that cover the node's Some tiny monsters are also visiting the ground, when u kill them a health vial shows up with 5HP" Mingun and avril has been added to the center playground Placed more lights to dark area's Removed and changed some relics to new one. New path to the primary node from the core. And other small things
Last edited by: vk__ Dec 04, 2010 2:19 PM
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 04, 2010 2:06 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
crusha_k_rool wrote:^ Use a free file hosting service like MediaFire or something. For example, I uploaded your previous beta here.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Dec 04, 2010 2:18 PM