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Forum Home > Maps & mods > ONS-Reichstag
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Jan 24, 2011 1:40 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
:p i was googeling UtdeSp =)

Jan 24, 2011 3:21 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Alright, offline comments:

- First off, as UTDeps might've already told you, this map needs quite a few extra files to work; aside from all the EHWeapons stuff (5 files, 27megs), there's one more that might be hard for some ppl to find, so here: PPCTankll.u. I wonder if it's even worth using this, as it's pretty much the same as PPC v1, only just a bit faster and with thruster effects. I think it's also self-desctucting after ~20secs.
- Can't say the map's thematic/visual result is very appealing or impressive (Reichstag itself excluded). Plenty of recognizable, but disparate st.mesh buildings from all over UT's assets, but the overall mix seems kinda flaky :/.
- I counted 11 superweaps (Nuke Strike Painter, AP Target Painters, Portable Ion Cannon, Enhanced Redeemer) and 5 U.dmges in total... what's going on here? If you feel peds will be pretty much outgunned by all the heavy, spammy tanks here, why not simply tone those down instead of going further into the spam-to-counter-spam spiral?
- What's with the flak cannon hate? Why no flak anywhere?
- What's with the LG hate? Also, why does the only way to get a sniper rifle involve having to climb up and search around some poorly lit building?
- I did some "show fog" toggles, but there doesn't seem to be any fog in this map at all.
- I touched on this before, but it bears repeating because it's very widespread here: many accesible places (mostly buildings) are very poorly lit. Do you intentionally want ppl to be moving about like blind mice in ~10% of your map's space?
- Bots don't seem to be very intelligent on this map. I've seen many just sitting around in tanks near nodes.
- There's a blocking volume in a building near 2/4 that won't let you jump outside an obviously big window (almost as big as the door next to it through which you enter); still, it allows most projectiles to go through except for shock cores. Wtf?

- The node disc at n4 is invisible while building: (pics below). What did you do?

- I noticed a very peculiar camera bug that seems to start happening right after you exit any kind of ion tank variant (ions, PPCs, Railtanks) and involves the 1st person viewport being titled a few degrees to the left or your own character looking like they're leaning a bit to the left when standing in 3rd person. Entering and exiting any other type of vec seems to fix this temporarily, but teleporting to any node will cause it to reoccur. First time I've seen something like this.
, ,

- What's with the comet strikes?
- There aren't any location zones. No matter where you go, your location is described as "Reichstag - 27 Februari 1933".

Foibo, has the map been loaded up to the server yet? Have there been any sessions of it with comments we could read? I'm curious as to whether these bugs manifest in online games as well or not.
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Jan 24, 2011 3:28 PM
Jan 24, 2011 3:38 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
No flak? My fault oh dear.
No fog..? Explain, there must be fog all over the map.

Ok the interiors are not "wauw", but u can enter them. If i add more it results in to high map weight, so i needed to draw a line somewhere.

Dark places, for me they are not as dark, the fog makes them brightem up a bit.

And yes that bug, i have it to sometimes, it is very strange! :S !!

I think i found out why, maybe (test) spawning on not flat ground causes this..


On ur pictures is fog ...


It's not online yet, i first waited for ur comments
The reason of those numerous super weapons, 'air strike" is because in that time, there where numerous of air strikes after each other.
And why i used own made buildings and mixed with ut's, 1. Because of the massive extra work, and the destroyed buildings are good enough to let the feeling live, like in 1933, destroyed at the border, still standing in the city.

- On foot u have also chance to win from a tank with those double damage. And less tanking does not match 1933.

Back to what needs to change, thank u for these comments. I correct the right away.

Last edited by: vk__ Jan 24, 2011 3:50 PM
Jan 24, 2011 4:41 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
don't wanna get all history teacher and stuff, but NO air strikes in my city in 1933 mate, the heavy bombing started in WWII (after they attack london with the V2)..
but hey you included the glass dome so actually no need for criticizing that.
if you want to include that "war"-feeling, why not include some catacombs and secret tunnels? burning vehicles, destroyed walls, piles out of stones? then again, it might be too "oh that's opera house with )o(-vehicles...
ppc-tank? really? oh my, that's gonna be messy...
Jan 25, 2011 9:30 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
I need some help, Wormbo, Crusha. For some reason i keep spawning a few degrees tilted to the left (see pegasus post above), Why?

Jan 25, 2011 10:20 AM
Wormbo Member - Joined: Aug 12, 2010
Posts: 48
Make sure your PlayerStarts are all upright. (Pitch/Roll both 0)
Wormbo's UT/UT2004/UT3 mods | PlanetJailbreak | Unreal Wiki | Liandri Archives
Jan 25, 2011 10:57 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Thx for quick response, i will check that! How can i see that they are exact right, in Properties?

Last edited by: vk__ Jan 25, 2011 11:16 AM
Jan 25, 2011 12:53 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
I hope that strange viewport bug can simply be attributed to tilted playerstarts; at least then fixing it is a simple matter. Onto some leftover points from yesterday:

vk__ wrote:
[...]No fog..? Explain, there must be fog all over the map.[...]
I'm not saying that every map must have fog, no, but in larger maps, fog does help ppl (especially those with slower machines) gain a few more fps. Anyway, map's performance (during my offline tests anyway) has been decent framerate-wise, so I don't think there's a problem here.

vk__ wrote:
[...]Dark places, for me they are not as dark, the fog makes them brightem up a bit.[...]
Umm, there are quite a few places where it's pretty dark and fights could possible be happening there. Are you sure you don't want to place some light sources inside buildings to provide even a minimal visibility improvement?

vk__ wrote:
[...]The reason of those numerous super weapons, 'air strike" is because in that time, there where numerous of air strikes after each other.
And why i used own made buildings and mixed with ut's, 1. Because of the massive extra work, and the destroyed buildings are good enough to let the feeling live, like in 1933, destroyed at the border, still standing in the city.[...]And less tanking does not match 1933.[...]
This is the "historical accuracy" over gameplay argument we've seen here before and it forces me to repeat that "this is Unreal, not a historical documentary; we have lasers, teleporters, supernukes, aliens and everyone keeps dieing and coming back to life all the time!". I'd suggest worrying more about what will make your map great to play (and great to look at, if also possible) and less about how close it comes in terms of realism to the scenario you made it resemble. But that's just me.

Thoma1337o wrote:
[...]ppc-tank? really? oh my, that's gonna be messy[...]
Yeah, good luck dodging those shock balls :p.
Eyes in the skies.
Jan 25, 2011 1:04 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
I know dude, but i think now it's good balanced on foot or in supertank. =)

Instead of minus 1/10 player on foot win.
Here it will be 1/5 player on foot win.


Jan 25, 2011 2:05 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Oke, the spawning seems to be fixed. Ty Wormbo

Ready to go on server.

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