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Forum Home > Maps & mods > ONS-COD!_CubesOfDeath
Mar 14, 2011 11:05 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
kentaro wrote:
I tested it online (i had more time to discover your tricks .

-the black hole cube is sooo nice! The design is perfect, the access to the node very original, the idea of low gravity there is also nice. Just, like Thom said, the ion trap is too powerful

-the cave cube is very nice too! The design, textures, static meshes are beautiful, the theme is respected.
And the trick to have double dammage, keg life, shield and tarantulas is well thought out!

-the monster cube is not good actually... the textures make me think at a bad remake of some very bad omni maps (Captains Gordons box of pownage, TwoFences, etc... in the look of poor design).
Besides, the monsters are too many, and offline they are unkilleable, and don't even hurt me!

-the laser/fire cube has a nice design too! I like a lot this idea! We lack for a special trick there.

-The healing cube: Nice design again . The idea of double dammage under the node is also well thought. You can be hidden is the water where ennemies are too many, and then take the node behind them. And the redeemer trick is nice too! The trap too is nice.

-The toxic cube: Maybe my favorite. The room is simply perfect The water is very realistic, dammage you take also, the idea of fog is nice, etc...
I miss something when you climb, health and shield are not enough.

-The pitch dark cube is very original. I searched during 3 mins in order to find the way to SSR. Nice!

-The core cube: Nice done Simple design, but fitted to that room!

I say it again, very nice work VK. The map is for sure the more original of the server, and the majority of design is very well done! Continue like this!


Agrea with the monster room, lack of inspiration there. Any idea's? The monster toold doesnt work perfect, rethink or new cube(idea's)

The toxic room has new traps on new b2(online) A cage fall down, when u press the button. It locks enemy players in a cage!
The fire room has 2 new tricks and traps check them out. And very more fire than before.

thomasito wrote:
nice summary kent ^^

just came up with an idea for the middle node/pitch dark node:
how about to add an always lighted switch there that turns all other lights in the room off? =D
this will scare ppl for sure

Thom, why do u think i didn't use than before:D I does not work online, as far i know. Otherwise i used it ages ago for sure, i try all new things)


Mar 14, 2011 2:34 PM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
vk__ wrote:

Agrea with the monster room, lack of inspiration there. Any idea's? The monster toold doesnt work perfect, rethink or new cube(idea's)

Dunno, you could make a beach cube, with sea, sun and water.
Personally i like natural themes, maybe a forest cube, with trees, grass, and platforms of the trees to climb on them (and a river! ).
Mar 22, 2011 8:29 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
To keep the death theme, what do you think of a graveyard cube? Something with skeletons, black fog theme, bats....
Apr 04, 2011 6:32 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
The map is strongly uneven (no chance for blue), because of the room with node 7, which is almost impossible to get back (the node should be easier capturable). Many rooms are also spammed by tanks, please try to reduce their counts slightly. The monsters room remains unused after the monsters death, try to replace it with something permanent, like frozen room with ice, strong winds, cold water etc. - just an idea.
Apr 19, 2011 11:37 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460

Monster room changed to jump room.
Black hole, more holes in to the sphere, and reduced the damage of the ion.
Reduced vehicles.
Node built time reduced from 30 to 20

Apr 19, 2011 12:07 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Nice! Could you also update the Fire Hound to the latest version available here (at core)? And the middle room deserves something special - do you know the Battle Bender? One powerful EONS Crusader at core is enough, could you replace the others with EONS Paladins?

The jump room has some dead places without jumppads, is it correct?

Apr 19, 2011 12:57 PM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
Seems nice.
I'm impatient to see that.
The useless monster cube is finally gone!

May 17, 2011 8:56 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
I see that VK doesn't read the logs, so I have to post it here. There are some serious issues with the map: You cannot drive from the fire room to the middle room, some rooms aren't vehicle-friendly (the reactor room, the acid room), vehicles get often stucked while moving from one room to another. There are also opinions that the map would be better as a NV, but I think at least few should stay, just for fun. The Crusaders seem to be too powerful, I can hold almost every room with it, healing myself with shield up - please consider replacing them with weaker EONS Palis. The middle room lacks something special, a breathtaking idea, and the Bender in the middle is quite dissapointing. Huge teleport to another dimesion (room) with a node? Have you played the MDK? Or the Half Life? This can be an inspiration. Or putting to the middle room something surreal, floating things or heavy hammers you must run under or they'll smash you etc. There are gaps between jumppads in the jumpy room. I've also suggested making a frozen room instead of it with strong winds, snow, sharp ice and cold pools, however it would be a wrong idea. Btw., is there a trap in every room? I've never seen something in the jungle, in the middle or in the jumpy room. Anyone else wants to complain?
May 17, 2011 11:08 AM
Kentaro Member - Joined: Mar 21, 2010
Posts: 205
My turn now :

- the jump room is really unplayable. When you attack it, no problem, but when you defend it/want a comeback, it's very hard to get the node back and then protect it. Makes the team on this side of the map penalized.
As Foibos said, you can try to replace it with an other room, i like the wind idea

-the trap in the fire room is too powerful. Lots of suicides there, not very nice. Make it more little?

-the center node is too easy to protect, looking it's importance in the link setup. Put the bender and a paladin (and SSR, and campers...) there and you have an unapproachable area for infantry.

-i think (it's a personal mind) that the nodes have not enough life/time build. Should be increased a bit (22 or 23 in the properties).

-Like Foibos said, the doors cause problems with the vehicules, especially the paladin. Maybe increase their opened time?

About the whole map, could it be good to have other passages? Something like (high of the toxic room)->(central room) or something else to make comeback easier... You don't exploit enough z-axis of the map, although you have large empty spaces in some rooms.

Just an idea: the cave node could be put higher, by adding some stones in the center of the room (and jumppads).
Last edited by: kentaro May 17, 2011 11:23 AM