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Jul 18, 2010 5:47 AM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
I can't find "SpecialNode" at but I'm curious about it.
Jul 18, 2010 6:55 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
The ONSPowerNodeSpecial is not included in my tool set because Wormbo wants to distribute it in his own OnslaughtSpecials package. He does that because the thing is not final yet and he usually gets more ideas for more features, so he wants to update them directly.

He plans to always overrite the same u-file with newer versions until then, so if you want to use his stuff at this point, you need to myLevel it in order to prevent version mismatches. That's what he recommended.
Jul 18, 2010 3:13 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Edit6 is up. I hope that the older Hammers on different maps will work with changed texture file.

Edit: Nice job, but I really dislike those "named" nodes. It's very artificial and nobody cares about it (except the "wow" or "wtf" effect), the numbers on map are much useful and enough for strategy.
Last edited by: foibos Jul 18, 2010 4:33 PM
Jul 18, 2010 5:08 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I asked Wormbo to make the NodeNames like in UT3:

First, only the names of vulnerable enemy nodes or capturable neutral Nodes are displayed. (Actually in UT3 it displays only the name of the Node that is the best to capture now, usually the one that is closest to the enemy core and available)

Second, it displays the name fancier and all the time, so that it actually guides you to where the Node is, what can be very useful on maps that you didn't play before and can help to solve confusion with the Z-axis that is not taken care of by the radar map.
For that purpose, the name is displayed on a beacon and gets mostly transparent when you have no sight-line to the Node. Only if you can see the Node, the beacon becomes more opaque.

So if he can get it to work like that, the system makes a whole lot more sense.
See here for an example:

One obvious bug in this version is, that the NodeSphere is not linkable anymore. Actually it should even catch the link beam. Works all fine in offline play.
Jul 19, 2010 5:35 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
UT3 sucked, as far as I know, don't bring it's useless features into UT2004. It looks like a tutorial. What about to put more necessary messages like "Core: you can attack it", "Hole: you can fall into", "Tank: it can hurt you". Nah, Crusha, wrong way.
Aug 18, 2010 1:04 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
New version:

This one uses the latest and (for now) final version of Wormbo's OnslaughtSpecials.

I also replaced the Hammerhead with my final version which deals 14 damage per shot, 10 shots per second with a spread of 0.03 - enough to make it deadly but not unbalanced. It can also take vehicles down pretty quick with that thing, but you have to use it like a silent hunter: Pick lone targets from the distance or when they don't know where you are. You can bear with 1-2 guys shooting at you, but more will make you problems.

I changed some files of the Hammerhead to make it compatible with more older versions again, only the compatibility with the last release is probably broken, but it was used only in StarReach anyway. Just make sure to overwrite all files properly.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Aug 19, 2010 2:30 PM
Aug 19, 2010 2:31 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Updated the link to a Hammerhead with version number 4.
Jan 04, 2011 5:22 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Hi. This needs fixing in ONS-StarReach-)o(Edition-Edit7:

This kept going on for 5mins and although nobody in blue was particularly enjoying it and I too personally warned E_bola against doing this, nothing could be done to force him to stop because TechCom only has one person to moderate the server and he wasn't there. Until this gets fixed I think exploiters should, at least, be warned against doing this and if they persist then get kicked or banned.
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Jan 04, 2011 5:33 PM
Jan 05, 2011 10:44 AM
Jancsi.:LLS:. Member - Joined: Aug 06, 2009
Posts: 217
pegasus_ wrote:
[...]TechCom only has one person to moderate the server and he wasn't there.[...]

What about Jendrys?
Jan 05, 2011 11:04 AM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
Well, personally I don't recall Jendrys ever moderating or admining the server. The TechCom account is his alright, but beyond that I don't think he involves himself in any other way, so, realistically, it doesn't make sense to expect him to police the place (he's rarely on anyway).

I think we could use a trusted network of 4-5 ppl that frequent the server in different times of the day, have plenty of UT experience and are generally recognized in our community as mature and reasonable to help keep things running smoothly.
Eyes in the skies.
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