vk__ • PM |
Dec 04, 2010 2:27 PM
![]() Posts: 460 |
pegasus_ wrote:crusha_k_rool wrote:^ http://www.mediafire.com/?2x0xqtehs8lwldu Beta 3' Forgot to provide the downloadlink to public ![]() I use always mediafire since Krusty keeps whining about other upload sites =) Got more than 100 uploads so far in my account, best uploadserver out there. |
vk__ • PM |
Dec 05, 2010 9:01 AM
![]() Posts: 460 |
New beta 3.1 Fixed the doors Further optimized. And other small things. |
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 06, 2010 11:31 AM
![]() Posts: 234 |
New version feedback:
- Seems 14 nodes might be too many for a map of this size. - Link setup is almost illegible because of a) all the intersecting lines and, b) radar map image seems too cropped and those edge primaries are only half seen. This makes deciding which node to hit next hard and affects tactical team planning. Try flying your camera a bit higher and retaking a pic, perhaps with coronas off or the main hall lights a bit changed as well (when still neutral, nodes there appear white over a white patch). - Jet stream idea is problematic: first off, I think the area it covers is too big and, secondly, it's missing any kind of visual cue that would let ppl know that area will push them up (look at Pandemonium or the fan pushers at StarReach-)o(Edition-V2 and Urban, etc. for some air/dust emitter ideas). As a result, they see that area as a good place to have some fights (also because all the boxes now take up most of the main hall free space - another issue) and when they try, they lose movement control, start drifting upwards and usually just land abruptly taking damage. Why not just have a couple of regular jumppads there? - Speaking of jumppads, it's already happened to me a few times both during online and offline tests, that I'd accidentally touch the main hall stairs jumppads while trying to climb them so I can attack the node above and get flung across the room again :/. Why can't the jumpers be located at the bottom of those stairs where they'd be visible from both directions? Or make their emitter trail longer so ppl climbing the stairs can take note early on. - The collision volumes issue continues. Mantas can still pass through most st.meshes, including all main hall pillars and many plant bowls. While we're at it though, do those mantas really serve some purpose on this map or are you keeping them for some less important reason? - You keep mentioning some "giant doors" that "cover the nodes". Am I missing something here? What is that? *Where* is that? Are they supposed to be moving or something? - I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this elsewhere too, but I may as well repeat it here. Why do you keep using the '?' relic texture for all pickups in your maps? It's not like you have them set to randomly change or anything, why not let ppl know which is which by using their proper textures? This is a pet peeve I've had with all your maps featuring relics tbh. For most of them this isn't an issue because we've memorized where they are, but for the ones that are in symmetrical mirrored locations but have different properties (vampire vs. the other top one, for example [radiation?]), half the times ppl will grab the wrong one 'cause they couldn't remember the correct one. Plz address. - Speaking or relics, gj adding some of the weirder ones. Momentum should particularly piss a few ppl off. - CVG's gone! Congrats. - The indigenous zoo: Oh boy, is this ever an annoying subject. Not only do these dumb creatures (some not tiny at all) get in the way, most of them aren't even fun or worth killing. I dunno if it's by scripting mistake or not, but most don't drop anything when destroyed - 2100hp clanlord included (keep headshooting his ass is the only way to avoid getting rocket spammed you death) - so all they do is lame about and harass players trying to PvP or go from one place to another; only the nali cows drop the 5hp vials. Particularly vexing when you're walking on the wooden planks above and some stupid bat/bug pushes you off. There's a reason why you don't see these things used in 99% of UT maps (and the one I've seen them in sucks: ONS-WarCraft); they don't improve gameplay or even the map's theme at all. I say we consider this a failed experiment and remove in next version. As a final point, I'd like to remind you this is still a DM map that's merely meant to follow ONS regulations as far as how the match should end (picking the same music as Bridge doesn't help disguise your intentions much either). Some might consider this a good thing, but for others (most? myself included anyway) this is another example of a mapper straying away from their subject matter and missing the point of ONS. Keep this in mind when you're making new ONS maps from now on plz. |
vk__ • PM |
Dec 06, 2010 12:36 PM
![]() Posts: 460 |
- Link setup
I did not played the last link setup, there is an additional line between the 2 nodes in the main field. Before it was the same without than extra line, and it was good for everyone. - Jet stream Yes, i can use an emitter. No its not problematic, no complainings heard when i play'd it. In fact it is very fun to use, did u try to dodge to the jet stream, it gives u extra long dodge jump, wich is fun in all way. - Jumppads, Sounds new to me, no complainings heard. But we can high them up, so u need to jump up to use it. - Collision Strange, i can't do it, also no other experiences heard. Every single plant has a collsion, so it's very strange. Check it out - Relics Actually i didnt notice the relics in the ACB with different skins. (Check it out to) - The Zoo Interesting experiment, idea from foib ![]() Dm and onslaught can be mixed together in my opinion, it are both popular gametypes, DM and onslaught is just great. That's my opinion. And the manta, it's onslaught? No? I like the manta, no complainings so far, if most people hate it - i remove it. |
xicesnake • PM |
Dec 06, 2010 2:18 PM
![]() Posts: 255 |
pegasus_ wrote: what is the effect of momentum relic ? vk__ wrote: I like it, it's funny, and it's like foundry. But u should make it less accessible. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
foibos • PM |
Dec 07, 2010 6:31 AM
![]() Posts: 551 |
NV means that there are absolutely no vehicles. The link setup seems too complicated, it should be more clear.
vk__ • PM |
Dec 07, 2010 6:59 AM
![]() Posts: 460 |
foibos wrote: Change it to NW= NoWheels =) Or remove it? Link setup suggestions, but this one rocks for now... |
foibos • PM |
Dec 12, 2010 7:38 AM
![]() Posts: 551 |
Complete logs: http://sharetext.org/BEJX
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 12, 2010 10:40 AM
![]() Posts: 234 |
Lots of people seem to be wondering what each relic does exactly. Copy-pasted from the Heaven of Relics readme file:
Heaven_of_Relics_1.2_readme_file wrote: Now the OSMT (Old Skool Monsta Toolz) mutator monsters used in the map: - "SmartWarlord" (UT Warlord): Fires rockets, has 2100HP, can walk and fly, can teleport when hurt. Removed in v4. - "SmartNaliCow" (UT Nali cow): Small bipedal dinosaur-looking creature, has 60HP, wanders around, poops bio blobs, leaves 5hp vials when killed. - "SmartGiantManta" (UT GiantManta): Winged creature, looks like a green flying snake with bat wings, has 400HP, idles or wanders around flying, can attack players, leaves 1-5 x5HP vials (random value?) when killed. - "SmartCaveManta" (UT CaveManta): Winged creature, looks like a silver/brown flying snake with bat wings, has 50HP, idles or wanders around flying, can attack players, leaves 1-3 x5HP vials (random value?) when killed. - "SmartFly" (UT Fly, aka. Razorfly): Small winged creature with red stinger tail, has 35HP, idles or wanders around flying, can attack players. Hope this helps. Btw, testing v4 offline right now, will comment later.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Dec 12, 2010 12:02 PM
pegasus_ • PM |
Dec 12, 2010 12:06 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
Beta04 feedback:
- Filesize still is kinda big at nearly 19MB. What causes this? - Why are there still creatures in the map? Who likes them? How do they help improve the map? Didn't see anyone enjoy them even in the ingame comments. All they do is annoy and increase channel count by 30. - Miniguns at more places plz. - Far eastern and western primary nodes are still only half-visible on the radar image. - Gj using each relic's proper texture. You forgot to do this for the 2 hidden Invisibility relics, as well as the one in the main hall which has the Adrenaline relic's texture instead :s. - What's the point of these sliding doors? Is it to help with performance by blocking everything from being rendered behind them (cause I tested that with rmode 1 offline and it doesn't work)? Is it to prevent cross-map shooting at nodes? If so, why not just place a flat static mesh at a certain height to do the same thing (like the ones protecting cores) and avoid the extra hassle (and channels)? - Gj making those new secret paths to n9 and n10 from the cores. Unless they were there before and I never noticed :s. - Gj giving most st.meshes collision attribs for mantas. There are still a few you missed, like a plant pot SW of n6 and its symmetrical one (NE of n5) which allow everything to pass through 'em (even players who can camp inside them; even worse when they have invis/radiation relic!), but those are very few now. Oh, also all sliding doors don't have collision properties for mantas (i.e., if you speed fast enough, you can pass straight through them before they even open). - Still believe this map has way too many nodes; also makes the link setup hard to figure out. - Still obvious this is a DM map with cores and nodes. Not a mix of DM and ONS, as you labeled it, just DM dressed up as ONS. Do we really need more of these maps? IMO you have improved your mapping skills a lot lately and now you can probably create most of what you can think of; why not expand your imagination as well and try to come up with more original and interesting ONS situations for us?
Last edited by: pegasus_ Dec 12, 2010 12:11 PM