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Jun 27, 2009 8:50 AM
SKOL* Member - Joined: Nov 07, 2008
Posts: 27
I think the auto messages(AMs) are ok!
The AMs helps Beginners or Veterans? It helps all players but mostly the beginners or bad players, and i think the server should support them whith the AMs to get a higher quality of players.
If beginners are helped whith Ams they will understand the gameplay and will stay somehow pleased to play in the server and will no quit when veteran players PowN them.

I know Beginners can find all that Ams stuff by themselves, but if they are helped i think they will like the server.

"Make new or bad players play better force veterans to play even better as well"
Jun 27, 2009 8:50 AM
SKOL* Member - Joined: Nov 07, 2008
Posts: 27
Last edited by: skol_ Jun 27, 2009 8:51 AM
Jun 27, 2009 10:13 AM
HuntDown Member - Joined: Oct 07, 2008
Posts: 247
some players just have no clue how/where to search for some usefull hints. many players are not in the mood for that (or they r morons - see my case ). they will be delighted to read and learn some AMs while playing. i know, i was

some links like these are so helpfull:

"Onslaught guide
Unreal tweak guide
Learn more about some custom vehicles
" maybe we need some more
Last edited by: huntdown Jun 27, 2009 10:14 AM
Jun 27, 2009 1:20 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Peg, I don't believe you believe that newbies will study manuals, wikis, faq's etc. They won't. AMs are there for some useful information (incl. the common knowledge of regulars) about gameplay rules, they are the hints or tips or they're just repeating some things which players don't respect or ignoring them etc. The reason is simple: to make the game more enjoyable thanks to better players. And the AMs should make the players better and wiser, all of them.

Thanks for the tips, btw. What do you mean...
To attack air targets in tanks effectively, switch from the primary seat
Shock rifle secondary fire can stop the Manta immediately
Support the player firing with the link gun by linking him
Always watch the minimap to see where's the battle important
Don't destroy spawned enemy vehicles, damage them only
Don't destroy unlocked enemy vehicles, hijack them
To share the manta, get out of it or wait for the driver
Cooperation leads to victory
As Cicada passenger, use the secondary fire to avoid guided missiles
Last edited by: foibos Jun 27, 2009 1:22 PM
Jul 21, 2009 3:54 AM
RASPUTIN Member - Joined: Jan 29, 2009
Posts: 40
I think that candid general messages would be better than simple "how to play" instructions.

Cooperation leads to victory

Link up and prosper

Defend the core at your peril

Share and share alike

Giving lifts, lifts your chances

Be respectful and earn respect

Just a thought!!

Jul 21, 2009 4:27 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
rasput1n wrote:
Link up and prosper

Defend the core at your peril

I wouldn't say that I am bad in english, but I didn't know these words until now. You are a native-speaker, so it's no problem for you, but the players who actually read this should understand what we want to say.

And what do you want to say with "Defend the core at your peril"?
That it's silly to defend the core, because it leads to defeat? I guess that should be more clear.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Jul 21, 2009 4:30 AM
Jul 21, 2009 4:38 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
I think it's too poetic for common players. Check the current list first:

Server info
Server forum
Server statistics
Server e-mail
Music pack for our maps
Cache utilities
Onslaught guide
Unreal tweak guide
Learn more about some custom vehicles
Support your server
Check the ONSPlus settings in Game menu
Don't switch teams, unless for team balance
Keep your language clean and friendly in here
Share the vehicles with teammates
Players that have recently joined can be switched to balance the teams
To change seats in a vehicle use the primary weapons keys
Link to someone who is already linking to a node
The best defence of the core is attacking the linked nodes
Shield Gun alt-fire saves you from falling
When low on Link Gun ammo, throw it away and take the new one instead of refilling
Crouching on the top of a Manta stops you from falling
If you get stuck, press Tab and type 'suicide'
When teleporting, click on the coloured dots to choose the vehicle you want
For in-game chat press F2
To make the wheeled vehicles jump use the crouch key
Use the Link Gun alt-fire to heal your power nodes and vehicles
As a Cicada passenger, use the alt-fire to avoid guided missiles
Cooperation leads to victory
To share a Manta, get out of it or wait for a driver
Don't destroy unlocked enemy vehicles, hijack them
Don't destroy spawned enemy vehicles, damage them only
Support teammates firing the Link Gun by linking them
Shock Rifle alt-fire can stop Mantas immediately
Always keep an eye on the map for important developments
If your tank is under attack from the air, use the secondary weapons
Last edited by: foibos Jul 21, 2009 4:42 AM
Jul 21, 2009 7:19 AM
RASPUTIN Member - Joined: Jan 29, 2009
Posts: 40
Too poetic for non english natives and not clear enough for nubs.
It seems to me that you are trying to write an instruction booklet made up of ramdom sentences.
Jul 21, 2009 7:47 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
foibos wrote:
I think it's too poetic for common players. Check the current list first:

Server info // Server
Server forum // Server
Server statistics // Server
Server e-mail // Server
Music pack for our maps // Server
Cache utilities // Server
Onslaught guide // Server
Unreal tweak guide // Server
Learn more about some custom vehicles // Server
Support your server // Server
Check the ONSPlus settings in Game menu // Server
Don't switch teams, unless for team balance // Server
Keep your language clean and friendly in here // Server
Share the vehicles with teammates // Teamplay
Players that have recently joined can be switched to balance the teams // Server
To change seats in a vehicle use the primary weapons keys // Manual
Link to someone who is already linking to a node // Teamplay
The best defence of the core is attacking the linked nodes // Necessary, though you are telling a tactic, that should a new player find out first by himself
Shield Gun alt-fire saves you from falling // Pro-Tactic
When low on Link Gun ammo, throw it away and take the new one instead of refilling // Pro-Tactic
Crouching on the top of a Manta stops you from falling // Is that actually true?
If you get stuck, press Tab and type 'suicide' // Pro-Tactic, but ok, that's really good to know
When teleporting, click on the coloured dots to choose the vehicle you want // Server
For in-game chat press F2 // Server
To make the wheeled vehicles jump use the crouch key // Server
Use the Link Gun alt-fire to heal your power nodes and vehicles // Manual
As a Cicada passenger, use the alt-fire to avoid guided missiles // Manual
Cooperation leads to victory // Teamplay
To share a Manta, get out of it or wait for a driver // Teamplay
Don't destroy unlocked enemy vehicles, hijack them // Hint
Don't destroy spawned enemy vehicles, damage them only // Pro-Tactic
Support teammates firing the Link Gun by linking them // Teamplay
Shock Rifle alt-fire can stop Mantas immediately // Pro-Tactic
Always keep an eye on the map for important developments // Manual
If your tank is under attack from the air, use the secondary weapons // Hint

Server: should stay in any case.
Manual: If you don't know these things, then you shouldn't play the game
Teamplay: Actually not worth to mention, but they should stay, so that the rest of the team doesn't suffer from newbies.
Hints: May stay
Pro-Tactics: Should disappear in any case. Every player should find that out for himself. Telling these tactics is just not right, I think. We had to find out also for ourselves.
Sep 02, 2009 3:03 PM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Default Onslaught start-up tips:

If you receive a missile lock warning, try to get out of sight quickly!
The Raptor's missiles will automatically lock onto Mantas and other Raptors.
In the Raptor press your jump key to fly higher and your duck key to fly lower.
The Manta can rapidly descend to smash your enemies by pressing your duck key or %ALTFIRE%.
Press your jump key to perform a 180 spin out in the Hellbender or Scorpion.
The Manta is the only vehicle that has the ability to jump.
When deployed, the Leviathan is highly vulnerable to air attacks.
You can heal a friendly vehicle with the link gun alt-fire.
You can heal a friendly PowerNode with the link gun alt-fire.
It is impossible to heal the final PowerCore, so defend it at all costs!
Press F12 to toggle the radar map on and off.
You can be hurt or killed by vehicles exploding near you.
Enemy Spider Mines can be destroyed, but some weapons are better against them than others.
Pressing your use key on a PowerNode allows you to teleport to any PowerNode your team controls.
You won't be able to spawn at a PowerNode that is under attack, even if your team controls it.
If you die, any Spider Mines or Grenades you fired will explode.
Press your voice talk key to voice chat with your team.
N will show the way to the nearest PowerNode or PowerCore the Red Team can attack, while M will do the same for the Blue Team.
Press F4 to switch between 1st and 3rd person mode in vehicles.
AVRiL rockets will home into an occupied enemy vehicle as long as you keep your crosshair on it.
When you find a target with the AVRiL, press alt-fire to zoom and lock your view to that target.
The green light on top of the weaponlockers indicates that additional ammo is available at that locker.
Attack PowerNodes that have the enemy team color sky beams above them.
You cannot attack the PowerCore or PowerNodes if there is an energy shield present. Remove the shield by controlling a node that is linked to it.
The Grenade Launcher shoots sticky grenades that attach themselves to vehicles and players. You must detonate them yourself with the alternate fire.
The bomber that the Target Painter calls in can be shot down by enemy fire.
In Onslaught, your team earns 2 points for winning before overtime and 1 point for a win during overtime.
Last edited by: foibos Sep 02, 2009 3:04 PM