huntdown • PM |
Jul 08, 2009 7:47 AM
![]() Posts: 247 |
how to record a gameplay in ut 2004?
did anyone used Demo recording from UT2k4? here is some kind of a tutorial: link to it. simple how to (how i did): when playing, and about to do an interesting trick, write in the console (~) "demorec", play the game, when u want to finish the recording, then stop by typing "stopdemo" in the console(~). (don't forget to stop that demo recording, u don't wanna record non stop all day long and create some huge files on your hdd) <- later edit: i think it stops by itself at the end of the match go to community in tu2004 main menu, \demos\watch demo (or create avi). i don't know much more. ![]() usualy i use Fraps. but when it records, the game will run at about 10fps. difficult to play like that (when using fraps, i make sure i am recording at "half size") ![]()
Last edited by: huntdown Jul 17, 2009 8:49 AM
thomasito • PM |
Jul 08, 2009 8:29 AM
![]() Posts: 221 |
here are some fraps
alternatives... and last but not least (and imho the best game rec software for windows) "game cam" even features adjustable frames per second! good luck ![]() |
rasput1n • PM |
Aug 11, 2009 10:55 AM
![]() Posts: 40 |
How can I diagnose a problem with my PC. It crashes when I play UT and other gfx hungry games.
I am not very techie and need a simple, do this, then this, approach. I'm pulling my hair out here because I miss playing!! Help appreciated. Rasputin =[ |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Aug 11, 2009 11:20 AM
![]() Posts: 926 |
rasput1n wrote: Well, which hardware do you have? We need input. UT is in general more CPU than GFX hungry. You can check how hot your components are and get with this tool: Maybe you should start the benchmark-mode and then start UT. If it crashes then, you should still have the results. DON'T reduce the rotating-speed of the fans with that program, if that feature is supported by your hardware! That would make it even worse, as you can imagine. Another tool I know for testing stability is FurMark: I never tried it myself, but maybe you can read the description and know what to do. ![]() ![]() |
pegasus_ • PM |
Aug 11, 2009 5:27 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
Well, me, before resorting to passing you over tools to run, fiddle with and take measurements, I'd like to cover some basics:
- When did this prob first appear? Was it recently? - What kind of hardware do you have? Is your PC old generally speaking? What CPU, how much RAM, what graphics card, what kind of power does your power supply offer your box? - Did you make any hardware changes around the same time? Install or uninstall any large pieces of software (or mess with the graphics drivers) that might be running in the background of your OS all the time? - What happens exactly when the crash occurs? What does the error msg say? Can you type it out for us or take a pic of it for us to see? What about other gfx-heavy games? Do any of them present any similar msgs? Let's see where these take us first... |
rasput1n • PM |
Aug 11, 2009 5:51 PM
![]() Posts: 40 |
Firstly thanks for trying Peggy and Crush!
- Problem has been increasing for a while. -Yes old PC Pentium 4 3.2Ghz, 3Mb Ram, Geforce FX 5700le, changed PS 3 times! -Always messing with the video driver because it never seems to be right, but I don't think that caused the crash. -The actual crash is an instant catastrophic shudder, followed by either 1) a mish=mash of colour and a buzzing noise or 2) simple serene darkness. This tends to happen in UT when I either hammer someone with a manta or flak them at close range. Also typing may have an effect, but I am not sure. It also happens with Counterstrike and HL2 pretty much the same. I push and hold the little button on the front of the case and sit back for a 10 minute reboot. No error msg is displayed, I used to get 1 which said "IRQ not equal or less than" or something but not even msg now just crash after crash after crash...... booooo hoooooo I wanna PLAY ! BTW I tried speedfan it said my CPU was at 81C and loads of other worrying stats! And my Furmark score was 31... yes 31.... the lowest ever recorded! I realise that an old pc is a major liability, but I can't really afford to purchase a new one at the moment and would really like to breathe life back into this dusty old hag and continue playing with you lot on TeCHCoM. Thanks agian for the IT / IQ support! RASPUTIN (let us PREY) |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Aug 12, 2009 2:17 AM
![]() Posts: 926 |
One thing you can do to get a bit more coolness to you CPU, especially in the summer, when it's even warmer for the hardware, is, to open a side of your PC case so that it get's some more fresh air, if your fan can't cool it alone.
81°C is really to worry about, as the CPU should actually shut down when it gets hotter than 70°C (at least this is the option in many BIOS). If you don't plan to buy a completely new PC in the next time, then you can maybe be happy with a better CPU-fan, which should cost only 5-15€. You have to look of course which Socket you have to find a fitting fan. I guess it is Socket 478 for you. Usually I would recommend to upgrade to a dual-core. A very good one with 2x 3.0 GHz costs only 150€ or less, but then you would also have to replace your Motherboard with a Socket 775-version. So for now a new fan should be the least, I think. There should be several tutorials on the net about how to change the fan. You have to apply thermal grease probably. ![]() |
rasput1n • PM |
Aug 12, 2009 8:17 AM
![]() Posts: 40 |
Thanks a lot Crush.
Being a cheapskate, I took the fan off the cpu and hoovered it out then replaced the now clean cpu, applied some grease and put the fan back. Speedfan now says the cpu temp is about 40C. Good news!! However, UT still crashes!! The same as before! =[ What next? |
rasput1n • PM |
Aug 12, 2009 8:18 AM
![]() Posts: 40 |
BTW hoping to get access to the "wife's" vaio this afternoon.
Cu online!! |
rasput1n • PM |
Aug 12, 2009 3:24 PM
![]() Posts: 40 |
Here is todays error msg
UT2004 Build UT2004_Build_[2005-11-23_16.22] OS: Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU: GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 3210 MHz with 2047MB RAM Video: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700LE (7519) General protection fault! History: UObject::ConditionalDestroy <- UObject::GetFullName <- DispatchDestroy <- DispatchDestroys <- UObject::PurgeGarbage <- UObject::CollectGarbage <- UObject::StaticExec <- UEngine::Exec <- UGameEngine::Exec <- UPlayer::Exec <- UViewport::Exec <- UWindowsViewport::Exec <- APlayerController::execConsoleCommand <- (ExtendedConsole Package.ExtendedConsole @ Function Engine.Console.Tick : 002C) <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (InteractionMaster Package.InteractionMaster, Function Engine.InteractionMaster.Process_Tick) <- UInteractionMaster::MasterProcessTick <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level Untitled <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 10910191 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free All greek to me!! No offence peggy =] |