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Forum Home > Unban & ban appeals > Who should get a warning noted down, or be banned?
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Nov 14, 2009 6:49 AM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
"IslamicCola" might be provocative to some ppl but it is not in any way insulting whatsoever... believe it or not coke is available in islamic countries, too =P and i hope i do know igor well enough to say he is NOT insulted by this.

therefore i dont see a reason for a kick or ban... not even for a warning... this would nothing but an unnecessary exaggeration. let him keep his nick
Nov 14, 2009 7:38 AM
Ig0r. Member - Joined: May 26, 2009
Posts: 69
thomas is right
people can write whatever they want
islamic-barbie, islamic-shockrifle, islamic-hotgirls or whatever
i dun give a shit
but if u say islam=shit, thats different
and its not only about islam, when someone uses a nick like Christianity=shit, i will give the same reaction

and let him keep his nick, its fun to kill him xD
Nov 15, 2009 8:25 AM
M-knell Member - Joined: Feb 07, 2009
Posts: 130
Agree with guys above. We shouldn't push "words-heed" (or how its called, i dont know) to it's limit, or soon we'll get situation when only just one word such "islamic" in the nick become reason to ban or warn. Thats not right!
Nov 28, 2009 1:40 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I'd like to know if someone from the German guys here agree with me about Ich(D): He's such an annoying troll!

Does the fact, that he's apparently not able to master the English language, allow him to insult his landsmen in his language?
And if you, Foibos, don't understand the majority of his mindless chatter, does that give him a free ticket to write whatever he wants?

I currently don't have time to play very often on the server, but should it be by chance that I see Ich trolling every time I join? I guess not.

Some of his favorites (with translation from me, considering to the "level of insult" in German use):
Leck mich - kiss my ass / suck my dick
Penner - bum / jerk / ass
Pussi / Fotze - pussy / cunt
Dummkopf - well, choose one
Halt's Maul - shut up
Du kannst mich mal / Fick dich - fuck you

He's spoiling the game for the Germans, today on Valerna, Dratini asked to kick him because he was insulting him, but Ich laughed at him because there was (as usual) no reaction on this request.

The chat translated:
Dratini (about Ich's chatter): blablablabla
Ich: please what
Ich: you jackass
Dratini: ***** you
Ich: pussy
Dratini: kick this man
Ich: yeah, get rid of Dratini-ass
Dratini: ahahahaha
Ich: jerk tee-hee

So my personal request is: Please do something about this!
Mute him at least, that will save us from his vapouring and he will either stop chatting or continue to talk with himself.

And don't come me with this "you can mute him for yourself"-argument, do you really want every player to do that clicks just to be safe from him?
It will hurt him a lot more if nobody pays attention to his messages anymore because they don't even see them.
Nov 28, 2009 4:59 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
today was the first time i saw "ich(D)" doing that... but I totally agree with you on that crusha! this insulting is blunt non-sense....
especially a regular player as he is picking on a new face like dratini is not very cool and not appealing to new players in any way.

unfortunately, as i already mentioned, i never saw him doing that before, thus i didnt play a lot lately... but i trust you with that since u have no reason to lie about that and have been an honest and candid player ever since!

i don't know if that prick-like-behaviour is a sort of german virus or something... mad_max... ratte23... ich(D)... i really wonder what it's all about...
i hope it's not contagious and if i should ever become someone like that please tell me folks! thank you =)

personally i am also annoyed by MuFoNe's point-obsession and "YES IM FIRST AGAIN"-bragging - on the other hand: he does not insult others so that's a totally different thing and should at least not be discussed in here but in the "players - all about" section.

muting "ich(D)" (temporarily) is a good solution in my opinion. i'm with you on that crusha.... anybody else in favor of that, say "I" or at least share your opinion about the situation!
Nov 28, 2009 5:33 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 20, 2009
Posts: 234
IMO, both comments fall under the following general recommendations/suggestions:

- Somewhere in the rules, auto-messages or server MoTD it should be mentioned that swearing isn't tolerated in any language.
- The server's official language is one and that is english. Prolonged exchanges (debates, arguments, etc.) in other languages can be subject to admin action.
- The server needs several more admins, all regulars who're trusted, mature and worthy of such an honour, to monitor activity on TechCom during different periods of the day (optimally, briefly overlapping during the time the next one signs in and the current one leaves). That way can trust be reinforced in the eyes of the public that nobody can abuse others or generally by a jerk around the place with impunity just because Foibos didn't happen to be around at the time. It removes the entire load off of Foibos' shoulders and spreads it evenly among more ppl, not to mention the blame that lots of ppl keep putting on him for not being around 24/7.
Eyes in the skies.
Last edited by: pegasus_ Nov 28, 2009 5:39 PM
Nov 28, 2009 5:55 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Having English as the server's only official language is what I was speechifying all day.

But whenever someone asked Ich or another German player (with a few exceptions, Thom ) to stick to the English language, then all you got as answer was "shut up noob".

So having a valid rule somewhere that is saying "Speak English or don't speak at all" would be the first step in the right direction.

But to really establish that rule, we need more semi-admins (or call them moderators, or whatever) as Peg mentioned.
They don't need the same rights as Foibos, like forcing map-change or permanent-banning players.

But let them kick or ban a player who is violating the rules for the rest of the day. Foibos could then decide whether the player should be banned for a longer time.
And if it's not possible to have admins with reduced power, then just choose trustful players to do that job.

You told me that you were busy lately, so this is one more reason.
Dec 26, 2009 11:04 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
ich(D) has been banned, I don't know for how long. It's an annoying creature.
Jan 02, 2010 8:35 AM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
few minutes ago there was this pathetic clown "unnamed(c)" who i saw a couple of times already on the server but only noobing around, not taking vital ressources like the minotaur on nevermore-tmu like today... he took it, wasted it, and camped the whole 2mins till it respawned... all 25mins through... and after being adressed he thought he'd be a smart ass saying "unnamed who?" or sth like that...
not cool. you yourself was there foibos and saw it so i guess no screenshot-upload is necessary here.... righteous punishment desired >=)
Last edited by: thomasito Jan 02, 2010 8:36 AM
Jan 02, 2010 9:04 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Agree, he was annoying. But not always (when its possible). But i destroyed his mino 2 times and he did'nt kill me once ha:D Ps: thomas i like ur lightning ^^

Last edited by: vk__ Jan 02, 2010 9:13 AM
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