nl09896 • PM |
Jan 04, 2010 3:13 AM
![]() Posts: 15 |
Like this one the most
![]() SlapKill - The specified player is slapped again and again until he or she dies. |
the_real_axxo • PM |
Jan 04, 2010 1:00 PM
![]() Posts: 3 |
Not me plz
![]() Hey Thomas, youre kinda hot, but too young for me ![]() |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jan 04, 2010 2:01 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
the_real_axxo wrote: Thomas, how the hell are you doing this all the time?! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
pegasus_ • PM |
Jan 09, 2010 3:43 PM
![]() Posts: 234 |
A team-sabotaging, namejacking pest passing judgement on what's best for the server - irony so sweet you can have it for dessert! Let's see what we have here then...
TEXT wrote:I'm curious, what evidence are you basing this propaganda on, besides your own, obviously paranoid fear that I might want revenge for all the crap you've done over the past months? TEXT wrote:Cocky, yet completely missing the obvious: server now attracts 20 times the crowd on a daily basis compared to what it did when it first launched due to its top place popularity, players aren't all familiar with each other on a personal level anymore to demotivate disruptive play, methods and ways to annoy/grief others have been repeatedly observed and refined (thanks to, among others, yourself) and even with AntiTCC being part of TechCom's standard protective arsenal, updated to the most recent version and stress-tested for efficiency by Foibos every time, and other measures in place, there's still behaviour areas that aren't addressed, causing frequent complaints we're all too familiar with (vehicle camping and childish reacting if another takes it, teamkilling, map-specific bug exploiting, swearing, racism, Waldi-type text flooding, etc.). If you ask me, those run us the risk of eventually finding the server empty. But, hey, if TEXT thinks we're all good, who is reality to say otherwise, right? Guess I should stop making the argument for more admins now... TEXT wrote:Well, pathetic attempt to bring critics down to your own level aside, even though I don't think I owe an explanation for my personal playstyle, or the mentality behind it - much less to someone with your track record - it might surprise you to learn that camping a vehicle and then demonstrating "skill" by safely netting frags from inside it goes directly against my principles and is one of my bigger pet peeves. I like to work for my kills/pts and using the vehicles I choose do that with, there's always the risk someone might kill me in seconds; but, hey, that's the cost of picking agility over armour. For what it's worth, and just to get this out there, I consider the 2nd version of the mino (the Omnitaur, the one with the ridiculous splash damage that most ppl love, dream of and try to get in most maps) a vulgar, blunt instrument that out of the entire Omni vehicle collection is the only one that requires no skill to frag with (strategically, I recognize how important it becomes for each team to have something that can turn the match around on its own, but in gameplay terms it's a non-starter that shouldn't have existed beyond the first few beta-testing days). More to the point about camping, while I can't talk for Thommy or anyone else, following my personal rule, I never wait for a vec to spawn for more than 6-7secs after I've armed myself at a nearby locker and need to keep moving with whatever's available for the benefit of my team even if it's the crappiest choice there is (for example, minitank). Still, there's plenty of times I can think of where I've taken on suicide missions on foot or in lesser vehicles (badgers, scorp-variants), the risk paid off and my team came off better for that instead of having waited (and fought) to use the big, slow, loud and lumbering tank to do the job with. Skill and knowledge often offset any other advantage you can come up with. Only exception to my rule are the 2-3 cases where the mapper himself screwed up (and every regular player knows those) and set the respawn timer for a vec to a very low value (the ions at Minus, the falcons at StripClub, and possibly the wasps at Valarna), but even if/when that happens, I try to honour the implied trust from my team by using said resource to turn a match around and not just do stuff for my own leisure. So, no matter how you try to paint it, anarchy or "everyone do whatever you want" isn't a better solution that common sense because things simply aren't black or white. Should everyone get a chance to use the big toys? Surely yes. Nobody has a holy right to the mino over the rest just because they think they're a god in one. Taking joyrides or dicking around for points far from the battle in a vital resource while teammates (who also invested 20 minutes of their free time in the same match - not to mention their mental peace) are left to suffer constant spawndeaths on the other hand? That's just asinine arrogance whatever way you look at it. And if 15 other members of your team think that should at least get you kicked, I'm inclined to agree as a player, as an admin, as a fokn human being. TEXT wrote:Play more, at some point the answer will come to you too. TEXT wrote:This time you managed to get one fact right in a sentence; you're making progress! Indeed I too am glad I don't own the TechCom server simply because the amount of effort and responsibility it takes to keep everything running smoothly and maintain a leading position in the UT2004 ONS Top 10 list at the same time is something I can seriously appreciate because I have happened to take a few inside glances at it. However, your guess as to why we have the opinions we do about server issues - even though I'm pretty sure I've never told anyone that I own TechCom or I would do something to them as if I did - is based on faulty logic. There's another reason why people can get in heated debates about issues other than ownership: it's called interest. You make damn sure you tout your long-standing presence at TechCom far and wide for all to know, but in the end, your detached positions show you just casually stroll by, have a bit of fun (at anyone's expense), then slink away to do it over again whenever it happens. Contrary to that, for some of us this place has gained value over time and that in turn makes us now speak and act trying to preserve or increase that value. Put simply, we don't own the place, but we damn care about it enough to do what we can and not see it get run over by rampant muppets and known gits. Make sense now? TEXT wrote:Sigh... Everyone has an opinion, even you, and everyone's allowed to speak it, even you. Nobody can force anyone to play different from what they please other than an admin though, so I dunno where you're getting at. TEXT wrote:Yeah, yeah, and most people go to the playground because of the swing set. ONS is about territory control and node attacking strategies as far as the game design goes and most people realize that. Pay enough attention and you might even have noticed ppl trying to form team tactics shortly before a match begins too - there's a reason for that, you know, it's not all just randomly happening! If you have a problem with others not taking kindly to you testdriving important vehicles for your own fun ignoring your team's goal in a 16vs16 game, I'm afraid there's not much I can do for ya besides recommend you try the offline mode instead. TEXT wrote:You are indeed astoundingly mediocre. Moving on... After wasting all this time to respond to your personal smear campaign bit by bit, there's just one thing that feels off about this whole circus act you forced ppl into lately: the whole time I've been a vocal proponent for more admins here, there hasn't been a single instance where I mentioned or even tried to promote myself as the one and only ideal person for the job. Far from that in fact, whenever I happened to privately talk about this with Foibos, my view has always been the same: a network of few, trusted, reliable people around the clock to act as deputies/surrogates for him - I even suggested a few people I know would be good for the job, but always recognized this is a change that's entirely up to Foibos to decide for or against. Seeing you coming out of your cave in the blue to throw shit at something that isn't there to begin with, while amusing, in the end is baffling. Oh, and ironic too, since if Foibos did eventually decide to include more admins and I happened to be chosen among them, people who up to that point fell into the "personal differences" category for me would be the only ones safe from immediate harm (separation between personal and server interests is yet another rule of mine coming from years of moderating or admining msg boards and various online projects for friends and communities I've belonged to). In a nutshell, Thommy's right about this: you're being an asshat in public here for no reason at all besides your own paranoia. Oh well, thanks to mates who stood up for me anyway even if this is a waste of time. Peg out. PS: only thing I agree with TEXT is that the occasional bad language is something people should just learn to accept and live with; if nothing else, as a corollary of playing an already mature-rated game with other adults. Everyone's human and everyone is allowed to be pissed off sometimes and say something when they are - within reason. Players who habitually curse and insult others, however, sooner or later need to be dealt with administratively. |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jan 09, 2010 5:06 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
Again a rhetoric masterpiece that is just a joy to let melt in your mouth. And it's something I can completely and unreserved agree with in all points.
pegasus_ wrote: That happened to me too already and I am glad that we can do that accidentially 4 times in a match. I've been on CoD4-servers in which just a simple FUCK is recognized as bad word and leads to immediate auto-kick. However, some words don't get around that in any case. Calling someone 'asshole' is something you should be able to keep control of, even in very emotional matches. Another thing is saying things like 'shit map'. Everyone can has a personal opinion about maps, but trampling on the work of others who created something that is supposed to entertain you, is in my opinion not acceptable. You can say 'bad map'… Unfortunately that censor doesn't prevent you from noticing that someone was about to say such a thing, it's sad that many people do it anyway. ![]() |
nl09896 • PM |
Jan 10, 2010 1:48 PM
![]() Posts: 15 |
indeed a waste of time!! Didn’t even get past the second line.
I promise someone to not get personal and to keep it friendly so I will leave at that. |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Jan 10, 2010 3:22 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
What a predictable trolly move. Didn't expect anything else.
But ok, let's settle for that and call it a day. ![]() |
thomasito • PM |
Feb 18, 2010 12:29 PM
![]() Posts: 221 |
earlier today, Spydox thought it would be cool to play for the other team, preventing the minotaur from getting out of the garage on Minus-TMU and when I finally managed to get out after more than 3 minutes (!) due to the help of TrAjOuF, he (Spydox) got into a badger and rammed the minotaur nonstop for 6 or 7 minutes, making it hard to drive or shoot at all... i even got out in case he wanted it but no... picture-proof here:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() he stopped tp do it when mino got destroyed... since it was the first time I saw him doing this I don't ask for a ban, but it would be nice to warn him and watch him... EDIT: linked thumbs fixed.. thx crusha for the hint. ![]()
Last edited by: thomasito Feb 18, 2010 4:18 PM
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Feb 18, 2010 1:01 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
Had some guys arguing for the Mino there too, resulting in the Mino being shoved sideways by an Aegis without any chance to move away (that guy who shoved obviously thought it would be funny) until the enemy Mino came and blasted us away in one shot.
But Foibos is probably still not back yet, reminding us of the lack of a co-admin… ![]()
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Mar 13, 2010 7:02 PM
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Mar 13, 2010 7:04 PM
![]() Posts: 926 |
![]() Rich_Pharmacist urgently wants to get off the server for some time… Nice thing was, that even 6 players placed a kick vote against him without anyone even asking to do so. That was because he continued that stuff during the next match and is probably still continuing right now. ![]()
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Mar 13, 2010 7:05 PM