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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - general > [HiszY Servers Quality of Service] Technical Servers Incidents/Maintenances Reports
Aug 04, 2011 1:13 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Thursday 4 of August, 2011, at 19:00 - HiszY Servers company network maintenance (status: COMPLETE)


a unknown problem is at the moment affecting the servers, I'm actually working on it, as soon as I got the source of the problem I'll write down more details, initially everything seems to be related with a temporal action (maintenance/incident) at the servers company side.

yes, now I can confirm that if there wasn't any other kind of major problems this is due the servers company performing a maintenance task wich is disturbing the servers, I hope that in around a hour they should be working normally again.

at around 19:45 HiszY I and HiszY-APD D34THM4CH should be back however is still expectable some minor problems. unfortunately the case for HiszY-APD CTF and HiszY II look much worse, they are still unoperatible and is unclear wheter they may be corrupt or something.

as expected half hour later at 20:30 the problems at HiszY-APD CTF and HiszY II still continue, is unclear wheter this is due still the unfinished servers company maintenance task or because of a real disk problem caused due corruption because of this maintenance task, as soon as I have more news I'll drop them down.

ok, after two hours of the incident, at around 21:00, the service at the HiszY Servers seems to be restored although the servers company maintenance task is still not completed so some problems may still be expected so I'll close this for now but I'll still keep closely checking this during the next days.

ok, yesterday, saturday 6 of august of 2011 around noon the company considered this maintenance as completed, so after almost three days of the incident and no more issues I wouldn't expect more problems (not at least related with this) then I can also consider this as closed here.

I'm sorry for the incoveniences that this situation could cause you, thanks for your support and patience.



Last edited by: adminless Dec 05, 2011 9:41 AM
Aug 31, 2011 10:01 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Wednesday 31 of August, 2011, at 15:00 - HiszY-APD CTF Server random error (status: CLOSED)


as of wednesday 31 of august 2011 at around 15:00 a random error causing the server to malfunction has been encounter at the HiszY-APD CTF server. initially it shouldn't be a major concern in more than three years it only has been observed twice, this one and onther one more, and I don't expect that the recover last more than some after 16:00. for safety the same procedure will apply to HiszY II.

ok, as expected at about 16:30 everything seems to be in place again so this will be closed by now. in addition the server also has been tweak in a effort to try to mitigate the effect of these problems the maximun possible.

I'm sorry for the incoveniences that this situation could cause you, thanks for your support and patience.



Last edited by: adminless Aug 31, 2011 10:31 AM
Nov 18, 2011 9:17 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Saturday 19 of November, 2011, at 00:00 - network problems (status: CLOSED)

hi there all

I want to report that as of the saturday 19 of November 2011 at around around midnight some kind of network problems relating the servers have been encountered, as consequence of this a reboot has been issued an some tests were performed and initially no problems were encounter (no problems relating my side I mean) all the problems seems to be originated a external sources to me.

initially I wouldn't expect this to last, so the servers should work ok for now, although this will be left open for some time while the source does not get identify or just in case it persists.

finally as of friday 2 of december 2011 in the morning around 12:00 and the afternoon of the thursday 1 of december 2011 this problem appeared again, initially due all the pending job here I had forgot about this and the truth is that I haven't put many time on this neither gave the relevance this deserves since I though this was just a usual temporal network issue however unfortunately today I could verify that it's definitively not but hopefully I could lively diagnostique this myself, apparentely the issue seems to be that recentely there has been some kind of virus (my main guess) or something (in advance just this "thing") floating around the internet wich is taking advantadge of Quake 3 Arena servers for their actions.

this thing is neither directly aimed at the HiszY Servers, apparentely all the Quake 3 Arena servers are affected, but nor it's directly aimed at them, apparently it just use them to mask and magnify its actions, and obviously it's something totally external to me, the servers, the servers company or anything under or even near my scope but anyways hopefully just after work for some time on the issue I came to a quick fix.

the truth is that I've been working the whole afternoon in this and I think that by now the servers should be working pretty good, in fact, it's real strange but I just tested them and they felt strangely smooth, ok, of course due the nature of the issue this is still expected to may be cause a couple of issues, it's still expected that may be it lags once, twice or even a couple of times per day, however I think that in general they should work as usual and in fact the servers load of today compared with the recents loads I think that it comes to confirm this (today the servers, nearly all, got full as how they didn't in time).

a more advanced solution could be possible and indeed it will qeued for the future but at the moment it's a too time consuming task to be practical but indeed it will part of the task nextdoor coming and by now this incident will be marked as solved and I'll continue closely monitoring this, hopefully the next days here are hollydays, in the event of any change I'll update the post as usual.

although this issue was already solved I finally put some more time on this and I spent the whole weekend 3 and 4 of December 2011 working on this to nearly go for final and much more advanced solution that will feature on the new servers, as expected the current quick fix was working generally good but well being something that was planned for the inmediate future I considered that it was a good moment to deal this so this will serve me as a very valuable test bench to produce even better quality servers setups on the near future and I also considered that it was important because seeing how I dealing with deadlines lastly it may be possible that the current HiszY Servers have to face the actual christmas campaing on they own.

so basically after being intensely working on this for the last four days no more mayor problems have been encounter, and I think that just the load of the servers on the last days it's the best prove of this, so finally this issue has been addressed completelly and thus this incident will be closed by now.

after a long break without working on this HiszY thing today as of Sunday 1 of April I came back into this and apparently as the time passes the viruses and issues does. after work for some time today on the servers it has been found that both the previous virus (already addressed) and a new variation has been affecting the servers for at least the last month. while it's still not clear where all these viruses and attacks come/go from/to this last variation it's apparently more aimed at the servers themself, I would say. obvious consequences of this were either a supposed lag feeling as well the graph drops on this site. as pointed on other thread I'm deeply sorry for have failed to address this at its time, ok, anyways, after spend the whole day working on this I think I also came to a fix for this.

it's still too soon to declare that all these have been completelly solved but I think that after test it for a while before and after check that there hasn't been more graph drops here for the last hours and that the game was as smooth as almost ever I think that by now this can be marked as solved, although I'll continue to monitor this during the next days.

I'm sorry for the incoveniences that this situation could cause you, thanks for your support and patience.



Last edited by: adminless Apr 01, 2012 4:20 PM
Sep 14, 2012 10:40 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Monday 12 of September, 2012, at 12:00 - HiszY CTF & HiszY II servers down (status: CLOSED)

hi there everybody

ok, after long time without incidents I'm here again to report that by the start of this week the past monday 10 of Spetember of 2012 an unadverted problem afected the servers rendering the HiszY CTF and HiszY II servers down the day after the tuesday 11 of September of 2012, hopefully the HiszY I and deathmatch servers continued working without further incidents.

unfortunatelly I didn't notice this problem until 24 hours after its start, the past wednesday 12 of September of 2012 around night time, initially since it was late and I didn't have many time I just took a quick look and overlooked the issue guessing that perhaps it would be just a usual temporal problem.

anyways, yesterday, thursday 13 of September of 2012, around noon I came back to this and since I still found the mentioned servers down I realized that I was wrong and this was a real problem instead so I procceded to intervene them. so atfer being working on them for the whole rest of the day this problem has been already addressed and the mentioned servers were checked up again at late night.

in addition to just fix this issue a routinare live maintenance of all the servers have also been developed so I believe that by now this problem should have been solved although I will still continue to deploy some time in review this on the days coming.

ok, and finally even if this is not the really appropiate place for it I just want use this ocasion to officially state once more again that even if it has been a while since I stopped working full time on this project under no circustance I have the intention to bring the servers down or cancel this project, my compromise with this project remains intact.

I'm sorry for the incoveniences that this situation could cause you, thanks for your support and patience.


