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Aug 20, 2011 6:25 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
ok so what should we do we should announce every where in hiszy servers that we would soon activate PB like an automated message which shows up in your console now and then....
and keep informing people that they should get PB soon
and give them some dead line like in 1-2 months its worth trying i guess and
PB even scans your Q3 folders for any suspicious files and can kick when it finds anything suspicious!
just a suggestion!!
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Aug 20, 2011 4:37 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey hi there

thanks for your interest in the concern but if you followed the thread I think that you already can see my answer about here and here so to put it simple, the answer is no, sorry, first I hate spam and I don't even think that it's even effective so repetitively broadcast all the time a message about it will just get the people angry and the message ignored at most and second as explained for technical reasons at both the server and the clients punk buster doesn't seem like a real viable option nowdays, so I'm sorry but consequently there won't punk buster and to be honest at the moment I don't even think that it's necessary, as you can see after being intensely working here on this issue for more than a year nearly day and night I think that the HiszY Servers should be reasonable clean, yes, of course, obviously there's no way for me to know who turn out to be the next cheater or from where it will come and with the popularity of the servers chances that this happen are relatively high however I don't think that at the moment this should be a major concern so for those cases what I would suggest you is to mail at or PM me your problems or even if you prefer simply post about on the appropriate thread here and I'll handle them instead.



Aug 21, 2011 1:30 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
ok boss
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Aug 25, 2011 2:44 PM
Non-member Joined: Apr 29, 2010
Posts: 24
Hi all
As I said in my Hi to you all I have played many servers over the years and the cheaters are on them all !! I have and will probably still get pissed off about it BUT that's LIFE if they want to use hacks and cheat let them and don’t worry about it because they will find out in life you cannot cheat your way through it !!! LIFE I MEAN !!!!
BE GOOD and ENJOY as life is good
Silver Surfer
BE GOOD life Is GOOD Take it Easy and ENJOY
Sep 29, 2011 1:06 AM
Non-member Joined: Aug 16, 2009
Posts: 35
Hey all , sorry for the huge answer

Same here, I've been playing this game for ages now , I'm pissed against cheaters, but whatever, are you here to play a game or to lead some cruisade against people you wont ever meet and care..

There is no 100% way to be sure someone is or not cheating

And punkbuster or any automated anti-cheat tool wont ever be accurate 100%, far from it - not even talking bout PB beeing as amlost old as q3 is.

_ First of all starting shouting on serv ' xxx is cheater kick vote him !' will do this as effect:
. the so called cheater will turn it off ( assuming hes really cheating),
. This way no one can know if hes actual cheater or not.
. the people on serv will randomly vote Yes/No for no reason but only because some votes had been called
. rumors spreading
. and are you the most accurate person to see if theres a cheat or not.
In final more arm done and it gets messy : This is what i see on most of servers ( not only hiszys).

_ A lot of people there think they can detect cheats when they cant. And for an obvious reason : they're not experienced enough ( I mean skills) to make difference between a very good player that moves and shot good, and a very very very good player that moves and shots like god.

While they can see and understand how a good player plays , in the same time, they would also think an elite player would cheat. I saw this so many times this isnt to be demonstrated anymore.

They dont just see/how a player can do moves/shots they cant do, and more over they cant understand it causeof their skill/level.

>> Which leads us to a second point that is now very important on q3 scene :
. Who and why cheating on quake 3 ?
Just lets keep in mind this game is very old now, cheats and cheat-tools are for sure not as many as they used to be in the past. Does an elite god player would bother using cheats on q3 now? Is it easy to find a cheat ? Does this guy im spectating is moving like a newbie or elite player? I'm noob at quake 3 how can I be sure this guy is cheating? Just ask yourself about it before shouting someone is cheating. I honestly dont understand why a good player would cheat. Anyway it does happen. Just keep in mind newbies are more likely to use them.


You woudnt believe how good a good player can play, just go around google videos and you see for yourself.
_ good and smooth moves, looks everywhere all around him,always ; prevents corners and hidden places by aiming toward this direction. Average accuracy is nice, sometimes incredible. Yes 70-80 ( even more ) accuracy can exist without cheating. Uses his hearphones to know where enemies are ( its not cheat !!!), anticipates enemy moves and do prenveting shots. etc etc, just spec lot of good players if you don't know, watch the best world players etc..


_ Autoshot : Very easy to detect, Spec for 5second and u know ( no skill required ). Basically its instant turn and shot toward everyone in player sight ( not blocked by walls).
Tho its good to know a good player can do very fast reflex shots all around him, according to the position of enemy,and this revealed by the railgun's sound.

_ Auto-aim-bot whatever the name. (autotrack but dont shot) : Very easy to detect, about same you dont need much experience and spectating time to confirm the cheat.

_ Lagbot : does what it says , lag yourself from other 's side view, but wont lag yourslef from your side. Means they wont be able to frag you well , while you can. Problem is that everything can be lagbot: Bittorent, bad connection line etc.

These are obvious cheats and easy to detect.

But Now :
_ Wall-hack and there im gonna write some:
ahhhhhh this is the black-sheep. This is where no one can be sure 100% the guy is or not cheating ( even helped by anticheat tool).
I laugh when people tells me ' ive watched this guy , he uses wallhack see for yourself'.

Most of the time I spec the guy , and I see no cheat.
Why ? the reason I mentioned upper, the person isnt skilled enough to detect cheat/no cheat. As i said, in most of cases, the so called cheater appeared to be a very good known player. In some cases its paranoya.... and rarely its wallhack.

_ A low skilled using wallhack will be easyly detected.
_ An average skilled player using wallhack will be easy detected
_ good and very good player using it will be very hard to detect.It means specing them for hours/days till they activate and start to make uncoherent errors ingame from theire gameplay/moves/shots etc.

If you get suspicious bout somone wallhacking :

_ How long is he/she playing quake 3 for ( months/years?)
_ What are his moves likes ? Does he moves very nice and smooth, are his shots accurate, does he watch for corners , are his moves fitting with his shots ?
is his aim shaking?, Does he mmakes random or 'lol' moves; doesnt look in corners but yet knows somoene there; tracks and targets the walls and every time : puff someone behind .

>> be carefull , lot of players ( non-cheater ones )do prevent shots and target at walls - sometimes someone is behind the corner its just circomstances- that only means the player prepare himslef to have the less amount of distance to target his crosshair to the anticipated enemy position. Also with correct hearphones you can hear the ennemy's railgun from very far pos, and third a good player will anticipate enemy moves throuhoug the map , at everytime.



_ Dont shout it all over serv so everyone know and the cheater can then turn his hax off before beeing spectated.
_ Dont shout it all over serv : Are you sure this person is cheating?
_ Hiszy has now real time ingame Referees admins now . Tell them about.
_ see in server if one or more skilled player is present so you can
ask for more objectivy.
_ Spec the person more than few minutes so you know his skills : actually spec him for hours/days , moreover if its a player you know to come often .
_ make a demo ! in console type /g_synchronousclients 1 then /record for recording, and /stoprecord to...stop recording.
_ Always report it to server Admin anyway, with the time and name of player that you think is cheating.

Just all remember that rumors about players without any proof leads to nowhere. If you just 'think' or 'saw' that someone cheats, its not enough.

And fortunatly, we got some community players (skilled) out there that often watch for cheaters

And to conclude this huge post, Just play free and for fun:D, you wont see the cheaters/lamers anymore .. and well there are lot of servs, if some obvious cheater dont get kicked for some reason , you can still go elsewhere till it gets sorted out.

It works very fine for me.Best anticheat ever : ignore and dont bother.

OK here for the laugh , and that was recent maybe a month ago:

I ' ve been accused of cheating in hiszy , reason : literally the guy told that I'was doing rail/grenade jumps when I moved around the map, and he saw that as a cheat . He coudn't do that himself so he assumed i was cheating ! This is caricatural but typical of someone that thinks he knows about...when he just doesnt; because of not enough skills/XP . Okay in this case the guy might have just installed q3 I dunno, but was fun

- Lir -
Last edited by: lirbig Sep 29, 2011 2:05 AM