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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - general > Ban from Hiszy freez tag server
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Jul 25, 2011 6:52 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
Keep my words. Today I callvoted to kick "WHO AM I?" just for 2 times with different games. And I don't remember when I did the other callvote before, cuz it was pretty many days ago. So callvoting 2 times someone made me get banned. If someone who looks that situation from an objective eyes, he unserstands that there's something behind that. If people can be disturbed by 2 callvotes and complain me to the admins with these, either they exaggerate to the admins what I had done or admins misjudged me or judged without suffient proof or complaints. That's the HiszY judgement. If you are playing gently and making friends in a same way and want the servers to be clean never were before, that's your mistake. Because you mustn't callvote even 1 time in the game, just write down to the forums, hoping that something will change. If my ban will not be removed, I will announce to leave the servers and clan for that reason cause I haven't done anything wrong and been warned at anytime. Just 2 callvotes and that's what I deserve...
Jul 25, 2011 7:28 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
well, may be it wasn't just the votes, may be people also got tired of always have to stand you complaining and of the same provocative and intolerant attitude you're showing here and the votes simply was the detonant.

and well since you mentioned about just brieftly comment that if you think that I do nothing about reports here I think I and the fact that acording to you your only major cheating concern is one user among hundreds should be proving you wrong rigth now.



Jul 25, 2011 7:50 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
You don't even know why you banned me right? Can you tell me who gave you the reports and made the complaints about me and what is the content of the messages about me? Do I have a right to see what I am occused of ha? This is called the right of defense. If you don't give me that, you prove you behave unjustly so I can leave you with this shame...
Last edited by: kafa Jul 25, 2011 7:57 PM
Jul 25, 2011 8:17 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hehe, no man, at HiszY we respect our users privacy so whoever decided to made the claim made it in private and therefore we'll respect his/her will.

the only thing I'll tell you is that for your information it wasn't that "who am i?" with who it looks that you have been fighting and about the rest is very simply it just seems that you have been involved in personal fights with other users that ended disturbing the rest of the people because the people who join at the HiszY Servers do it to play in a friendly ambient without having to stand always the same unpleasant situations and to defend you of that you don't need any other kind of information.

and finally basically just the fact I'm here spending my time in kindly and patiently explain and try to clear up a situation for you while aparently it seems that on the only thing that you're interested is in discredit me and HiszY is indeed proving you totally out of place.



Jul 25, 2011 8:43 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
My purpose is not that you mentioned. I play at Hiszy willingly and with relish. Offers and complaints are made in this forum right? There's a thread for this, you gave me the link in one of the previous messages. So why can't I see the complaints about me? Somehow someone complained me to you with a different way.(P.m., mail etc.) So how can you be sure that the claims about me are true? Did you research this? Have you ever seen me in the game playing? Have you ever warned me that there are some complaints about me? Have you ever asked me that whether I behave like that or not? Do you understand now how I feel? But by telling these I am proclaimed that I am interested in discrediting your personality and your team. I'm not a child and I cannot let you fool me like this. I want everyone to see what's going on here and want them to give me the value I deserve. Thanks for spending time to read and try to answer my questions...
Last edited by: kafa Jul 25, 2011 8:50 PM
Jul 25, 2011 9:27 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
yes, I did confirm this myself it looks that it was a recurrent thing about you to complain about cheating at random people and start fighting with them and people was tired of always the same.

about warnnings, I think I'm just doing it now, I think that you can understand that as you can see I have no time to be on the servers 24/7 warnning peoples about their behaviour then I just do it in the form of a ban.

about the complains, well, anyone is free to use the complain method they prefer and we will always respect their will but btw I don't think that this is the subject of the disscussion I'm telling you I verified this myself and I think that after saw your attitude toward this is even more proven.

regarding the rest is very simple, I just suggest you to re-read the topic, your attitude is totally out of place instead of admit your fault and try to settle something in a reasonable way the only thing you're doing all the time is answer your own questions yourself by trying to discret me and HiszY, just look at your last message, it's all about me and HiszY rather than your issue, so like I told you I'm not here to fight with you, I'm not here the subject of disscussion, I'm here to give you an explanation, so what did you want to know? why you got a two days ban? I told you, you were accusing random people of cheating and fighting with them thing that disturbed other players, so instead of admit your fault you prefered to express a negative opinion against me and HiszY, ok, no problem, we respect everybody's opinions, but you already have done it several messages ago so please stop spaming about the same thing all the time, thanks.



Jul 26, 2011 1:48 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
Goodluck with your fair decisions. I am no longer involved in your servers from now on and this is just because of you -the one who's responsible for that wrong convictions-...
Jul 26, 2011 8:59 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
You teach me how to play turaj? I know everything you mentioned. I'm not interested in how good WHO AM I? is in playing. I've been playing this game for more than 10 years. I'm behind the standart playing but not in claim that I'm the best. He can play better than me, there's no discussion in that point for me. The fundamental problem is that this approach and implementation to the one who has right to know why he had been banned. Do you understand now? I'm no longer involved whether WHO AM I is cheating or not. Non of my business now. But I don't get the idea that someone complained about me and the sanction has been applied immediately. I have given my hours to this server and never faced to a situation like this before. Isn't there a possibility that the complaining person may be wrong? Most of the players here know me and my dialogue. I did not deserve this treatment so that a few people complained. That's the point I'm sad about. Have nice games...
Jul 26, 2011 10:52 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
So the point is : You r pissed off coz WHO AM I its a lot better than u ? Is it ? So if i beated Who am I , Im cheater is well ?
Jul 27, 2011 7:54 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
The capacity of your understanding is way limitied as I see. Anyone read my previous text can understand what I try to tell. I'm repeating now! He could be a better player this is not related using a cheat and I am not interested in this. The point that you cannot understand is: HiszY's misjudgements!!!
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