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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - cheaters > [CHEATING DISCUSSION] who am i? wallhack
[CHEATING DISCUSSION] who am i? wallhack
Jul 25, 2011 6:40 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
In game, callvoting to kick a player can lead to a ban(I got that). There's no way to proof that if the cheater uses really cheats. If he wants, never get busted. Blocking these kind of softwares would be a precise solution. Anyway, the one named "WHO AM I?" is using a wallhack and says that he just listens the sounds carefully. I have watched him about a week and seen many shots from long distances without hearing any sound but I cannot prove that with screenshots. How can you be sure that he's using a cheat and how can we play in a clean server purified from these cheaters? By kicking these people, we are declared the ones disturbing others. That's ridiculous.
Jul 25, 2011 6:55 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
I'm not here to argue with you, I've just explained you what I had to at the appropiated place, vote to kick a player at some point is ok but everyday and over and over always with the same thing is not, the only thing I told you is that as the header of the thread where you posted this said if you're going to acuse someone of cheating (or anyother thing) at least provide other proof besides your feeling about the issue.

also I can tell you that, yes ok "pro" cheaters or wallhacks are hard to catch, but most cheaters are fairly obvious (just watch any of the demos at the thread where you posted) so please do the same, before post here record a demo of the guy you're reporting and post it here so the rest of the people (not just me and you) can also have a opinon.

and finally regarding that guy, yes, I saw him a couple of times and I don't think he is cheating and also by now I think that this is the first complain I have against him.

eitehr way, thanks for your interest in the issue.



Jul 26, 2011 1:43 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
For the first time of the complaints about him, nothing is done but for the first time of the complaints about me you gave me a 2 days ban. How can't I say something about your judgement and HiszY by now? That's totally unfair and the claim that I callvote to kick people everyday and over & over is a complete unreal! As I told you in the other thread, I just did 2 callvotes yesterday, and I really don't remember when the former callvotes were before. You just listened one or two guys complaints and their exaggeration so decide to believe that. I'm not like the other players here to accepr that unjust accusations. Keep your server with you. Have a nice game with cheaters and liars. And never do something to prevent people from cheating, just take reports and make an unfair decisions...
Jul 26, 2011 7:12 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
look come here and acuse someone of cheating without anyother kind of proof but your opinion is pointless, if I would start banning people that acording to someone's opinions is cheating then nearly every player at the servers would be banned, so I just ban people when there's a nearly undiscussable general believe that that guy is cheating wich by now it doesn't seem to be the case.

and regarding the rest like I told you I already answered you on the appropiate place.



Jul 26, 2011 7:29 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
Kafa ... WHO AM I its Clear ... Im playing vs Him many many time . And I am sure he dont have any cheats ... Hes good player , thats true . But what You Said with WH its not sneaky enough ... I dont get from Him any strange Corner Shot or something . Thats strange why Ppl calling some1 with good Skill Cheater ! Shame on You Kafa ... Train More ... This Discussion is Pointless . This topic should be Closed Please
Jul 26, 2011 7:50 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
turaj you are out of this discussion so don't be the 3rd. person. You said that he did not make strange corner shots that does not mean he doesn't have wallhack! Your logic is about autoshoot, and he doesn't have autoshoot so...
Jul 26, 2011 8:00 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
ok, let's see:

1) don't talk to other users like that, it's not your place to moderate this, that's mine, this is a public disscussion so respect everybody opinions as we respected yours.

2) when someone uses a wallhack knows where you're so that give him/her at advantadge at the corners because he gains reaction time because he knows from where you're coming and on that direction it was the turaj comment.

3) I'm not here to argue with you, but since you started now I ask you, and now can you explain me what you was meaning by:

"I have watched him about a week and seen many shots from long distances without hearing any sound but I cannot prove that with screenshots"

what will have to do a couple of long shots with a wallhack?



Jul 26, 2011 9:08 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
I talked to "WHO AM I?" in the game we play yesterday and told him that he was using wallhack then he replied that he had a good quality of headphones so he could hear the enemies sound and knew where they were. That's normal but, in long distances we cannot talk about the sound because there's not any of it. But in wallhack he sees the enemy from very far distances and stays ready to shot him in a very possible moment. Now do you understand what my proof is? If I am not banned now, I could have been recording his cheaty game. Anyway, I do not blame on you so this discussion is meaningless...
Jul 26, 2011 9:55 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
like I said, it's ok, I'm not here to argue with you, you wanted to express your opinion and we respect that but that doesn't mean that we have to share your same opinion, the same way you have yours we also have ours and you also have to respect ours the same we respected yours and that's all I was saying.

about the rest, well, I just comment you that as far I know wallhack shouldn't have anything to do with long shots, may be he is just able to hit those long shots because of a better configured game, like can be, reduced graphical detailed settings, brigther enemy models, a more optimium lightning configuration and adjustment, a better mouse and more optimum mouse settings and/or more advanced attacking funtions than just "shot" (like can be macros to lively tweak the fov/sens pairs) just to put a couple of examples (note that I'm not a advanced player) things that are all allowed by the game and that nothing has to do with cheating and in fact if the problem would be about such extraordinarie long aim then it would be something more like a aim hack not a wallhack in my opinon.

then yes I totally agree with you come here and start claiming that someone is wallhacking because acording just to your opinion he has a unreal aim capability at very long distances is meaningless so then please I ask to stop on this and let the rest of the people freely express their opinions too about the case, thanks.



Jul 26, 2011 9:59 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 25, 2011
Posts: 18
I respect others opinions except who tries to sabotage mines. Have fun with your honest players...