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Jun 03, 2020 1:11 PM
Joined: Aug 07, 2016
Posts: 313
still cannot make connection

when you open HLDS.exe under Network: is it LAN or Internet?
Jun 03, 2020 1:12 PM
Joined: Jun 02, 2020
Posts: 82
emirateskings wrote:
still cannot make connection

when you open HLDS.exe under Network: is it LAN or Internet?

uh... i dont know how to set lan or internet in console mode but i am sure that sv_lan is set to 0
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Jun 03, 2020 1:16 PM
Joined: Jun 02, 2020
Posts: 82
hefehi6745 wrote:
emirateskings wrote:
still cannot make connection

when you open HLDS.exe under Network: is it LAN or Internet?

uh... i dont know how to set lan or internet in console mode but i am sure that sv_lan is set to 0

Post #30
hefehi6745 wrote:
EDIT-For Some Reason The Port Is Still Showing Open in

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-_YoYo178_-'s Jumping Arena

Jun 03, 2020 1:23 PM
Joined: Jun 02, 2020
Posts: 82

I Am Also Unable To Connect To My Server. However, I Can Connect Through Internal IP.
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-_YoYo178_-'s Jumping Arena

Jun 03, 2020 5:57 PM
Joined: Aug 07, 2016
Posts: 313
yes so please try to figure it out and try to check around with friends near your location they can some how help with HLDS settings.

what i think there is one setting in server.cfg to make it public online which is INTERNET

sv_lan 0 [This makes your server accessible over internet]
Last edited by: emiratesgaming Jun 03, 2020 6:41 PM
Jun 03, 2020 6:03 PM
Joined: Aug 07, 2016
Posts: 313
hefehi6745 wrote:

I Am Also Unable To Connect To My Server. However, I Can Connect Through Internal IP.

i can share my server.cfg which is optimized if you need just let me know . put this server.cfg under C:\HLDS\cstrike or which ever folder . it must go to under /cstrike/ folder where there is hlds.exe files and other *.cfg's

The file name server.cfg will go there.

Let me know after setting sv_lan 0 makes it work if not take my server.cfg and hope that your server goes online.
Jun 03, 2020 11:51 PM
Joined: Jun 02, 2020
Posts: 82
emirateskings wrote:
i can share my server.cfg which is optimized if you need just let me know . put this server.cfg under C:\HLDS\cstrike or which ever folder . it must go to under /cstrike/ folder where there is hlds.exe files and other *.cfg's

The file name server.cfg will go there.

Let me know after setting sv_lan 0 makes it work if not take my server.cfg and hope that your server goes online.

trying ngrok right now

Post #32
hefehi6745 wrote:
uh... i dont know how to set lan or internet in console mode but i am sure that sv_lan is set to 0
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-_YoYo178_-'s Jumping Arena

Jun 04, 2020 1:56 AM
GAMETRACKER ADMIN Joined: May 18, 2019
Posts: 54
hefehi6745 wrote:

I Am Also Unable To Connect To My Server. However, I Can Connect Through Internal IP. means that the game is binding to all available IP addresses on the machine.

It sounds like you didn't forward the correct ports on your router. Without forwarding the ports you will only be able to connect using the LAN IP.

First I would suggest assigning a static IP to the machine running your server. Without a static IP the LAN IP will change with every new session, so the port will not be forwarded to the correct machine.

I would also suggest forwarding TCP and UDP traffic to the game port.

Also ensure that sv_lan 0 is set in the server.cfg. "/cstrike/server.cfg"

You can also use the following link for help with setup and configuration:
Last edited by: dr_bot Jun 04, 2020 2:14 AM
Jun 04, 2020 2:42 AM
Joined: Jun 02, 2020
Posts: 82
Well, I Tried ngrok On HLDS But Still No Luck, BUT!, When I Tried It On Apache (just downloaded it for testing) IT WORKED!

So, Summary:
Ports Forwarded From My Router.
ISP Not Blocking It.
I Have A Dynamic IP.
Tried Every DDNS Website.
Firewall Is Also Not A Issue.
DMZ Doesn't Help.
ngrok Didn't Work With HLDS.

so, what now?
Join My Fortress Forever Server

-_YoYo178_-'s Jumping Arena

Jun 04, 2020 2:59 AM
Joined: Aug 07, 2016
Posts: 313
hefehi6745 wrote:
Well, I Tried ngrok On HLDS But Still No Luck, BUT!, When I Tried It On Apache (just downloaded it for testing) IT WORKED!

So, Summary:
Ports Forwarded From My Router.
ISP Not Blocking It.
I Have A Dynamic IP.
Tried Every DDNS Website.
Firewall Is Also Not A Issue.
DMZ Doesn't Help.
ngrok Didn't Work With HLDS.

so, what now?

hey even if you accomplish this whats the point if your PC is shutdown everything would be down too. let me explain.

doing port forwarding expose your 27015 outsiders so there is a chance someone might flood/ddos your network . a simple reboot will fix it.

instead of all this you can contact me i can give you free server a 24 hours ON server where you can host it for your friends.

does that sounds good? instead of using PC / You can use the server i give you for free. which means your PC will get less load. suppose you get more players . it uses RAM and you cant do multi task when you open a server properly and plus you need a ddos protection even for hosting for friends some one might just use booters free ones to make your own local network down.
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