crusha_k_rool • PM |
Oct 05, 2011 4:07 PM
Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
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vk__ wrote: You mean he will retire and make Mad_Max the new admin?! |
izumo_cz • PM |
Oct 05, 2011 4:45 PM
Joined: May 03, 2011
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Mutators are allowed for a while already
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Oct 05, 2011 6:08 PM
Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
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Orly? That's great!
It would allow to implement some nice features that would give you a bit more motivation: 1: Assists. (This could actually also be done in UTComp since you could expose it to the scoreboard then) I never liked that fact that you can easily take 90% of the enemies health but then it just needs the team mate next to you to pull out his minigun and finish him off and you don't get any credit for your work. In the score may it look like you were quite bad but in fact helped your team a lot and just had the kills always stolen. So an assist mutator would keep track of who damaged an enemy and how much and then the killer gets the kill as usual and for the highest player in the damaging list that was not the killer is an assist noted down. Two or three assists together could be awarded with a real score point then. The assister could also be mentioned in the regular kill message, for instance "VK* was mowed down by Foibos's and Crusha's minigun.", so the name of the killer gets appended by the "and *assister*". Another nice thing to keep track of would be domination. If you manage to kill another player three times without him managing to kill you, you dominate him. A domination will show up as additional kill message after the third kill "Crusha is dominating VK*" and maybe be awarded with two extra points. Now the scoreboard will show VK* with an icon that I am his nemesis (he can be dominated by several players at a time and they all show up as his nemesis then) and ingame could there be also a small icon above my head, though I am not sure about this one. If he now manages to kill me, he gets revenge with an additional kill message as well "VK* took revenge on Crusha" and will get one extra point as comfort and I am no longer his nemesis. Domination and Revenge could be two extra damage types so the UTStats keep track of them as well.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Oct 05, 2011 6:28 PM
izumo_cz • PM |
Oct 05, 2011 7:40 PM
Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43 |
Yes (UTComp itself is an instance). If you have good mutators (beware of combatibility of other mods) you can submit them. I actually think a mod you described exists (with the revenge, dominating, owning; not sure how about assistances).
vk__ • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 2:11 AM
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Posts: 460 |
Here comes the adrenaline mutator
The bloody hell servers use the mutator u described crusha |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 11:02 AM
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By Bloody Hell you mean the Mutator from Ballistic Weapons or is there a server with that name? Because I don't have have a high opinion of the first since they rip maps from mappers without their permission, put their logos everywhere in the map, change the map's name and often even the author's name.
vk__ • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 11:23 AM
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yes, but not a perfect match with ur discription.
I know they rip maps, like ONS-Ballictic-Reichstag where did that came from |
crusha_k_rool • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 12:42 PM
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Someone made some tricky tool to protect maps against theft, btw. If they change the map name too much from the original or the author's name, the map will simply cause the server to crash and tell them in the log why it happened.
izumo_cz • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 5:45 PM
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That can be bypassed pretty easily. And yes, Bloody Hell sucks - real BW server is LDG #3
thomasito • PM |
Oct 06, 2011 5:47 PM
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the dominating and revenge thingy (albeit with 5 kills in a row instead of 3) is used on most of the active TAM-servers as far as I know...
"assistant" sounds really nice as well (iwanna!), but good luck scripting that |