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Oct 06, 2011 6:11 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Scripting that would be easy, now that we can use Mutators (unless I am mistaken and Mutators only report death, not damage).

On a side note did I fix the last replication bug in my toolset that has been bothering me for so long. Bad news: somehow did that screw up the disabling of the collision for the mesh in that situation, so I will need to look into that again.
Oct 06, 2011 6:29 PM
Non-member Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43
Oh btw. I hope the special planned will be done by the end of the weekend.
Oct 07, 2011 6:19 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
8) In the meantime i am spamming the ldg servers

Oct 07, 2011 7:18 AM
Non-member Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43
Yeah I noticed
Oct 07, 2011 8:48 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
The special is pretty obvious right now.

Anyway, now that Mutators are available, here is another idea (and I brought it up in some way here ago): Motivate people to get the empty server started.

Since it doesn't make much sense for Techcom to give people premium accounts, what we could do is let the first 5 guys who stay on the server until it reaches 20 people choose a slight buff that will be active for them until the server drops down to 0 players again.

Those buffs from which they could choose one could be:
+25 max HP after spawn, so they would survive one additional shot from the Shock Rifle.
+15% increased GroundSpeed and AirSpeed.
+HP regeneration, 1 HP every 2 seconds, no shield is added if HP are full.
+10% increased rate of fire.
+20% max ammo.
+Doubled spawn protection time.
+Rage, after respawn are they granted a U-Damage for 10 seconds.
+Turret, with a certain command can the player drop a (weak) automatic turret infront of him. This ability takes 120 seconds to recharge.

Any more ideas? It should not imbalance the game in a way that it can be considered a straight cheat but it should be enough of an advantage to motivate you to keep playing from 0 to 20 players.
Oct 07, 2011 10:23 AM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
Crusha and how is ur work going? Is it 101%, so i can finally see what u did after al these months u anounced it x)

Oct 07, 2011 10:32 AM
Non-member Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43
crusha_k_rool wrote:
The special is pretty obvious right now.

Anyway, now that Mutators are available, here is another idea (and I brought it up in some way here ago): Motivate people to get the empty server started.

Since it doesn't make much sense for Techcom to give people premium accounts, what we could do is let the first 5 guys who stay on the server until it reaches 20 people choose a slight buff that will be active for them until the server drops down to 0 players again.

Those buffs from which they could choose one could be:
+25 max HP after spawn, so they would survive one additional shot from the Shock Rifle.
+15% increased GroundSpeed and AirSpeed.
+HP regeneration, 1 HP every 2 seconds, no shield is added if HP are full.
+10% increased rate of fire.
+20% max ammo.
+Doubled spawn protection time.
+Rage, after respawn are they granted a U-Damage for 10 seconds.
+Turret, with a certain command can the player drop a (weak) automatic turret infront of him. This ability takes 120 seconds to recharge.

Any more ideas? It should not imbalance the game in a way that it can be considered a straight cheat but it should be enough of an advantage to motivate you to keep playing from 0 to 20 players.

I don't think that bonuses in this manner are appropriate. We shall see how the population will change after the "special planned thing" but even if it will go well it will still take some time for better population.
Oct 07, 2011 11:02 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
vk__ wrote:
Crusha and how is ur work going? Is it 101%, so i can finally see what u did after al these months u anounced it x)

I will see how big the last remaining collision bug is or if it's even reproduceable. Maybe it's minor enough to be skipped, otherwise I will have to do a lot guessing and debugging.

But for today do I have to go to driving school first. :p
Oct 10, 2011 4:12 PM
VK!* Member - Joined: Dec 02, 2009
Posts: 460
And how does the work progress? Foib and izumo
Crusha ?

Oct 10, 2011 5:27 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I am also waiting for the surprise. :>

About my stuff… well, the bug is still there. Unless the Worm knows a solution, I will probably have to try a very unclean and hacky way to circumvent it. The problem is basically that the engine doesn't do what it is expected to do. Here a log of the problem:

ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment2 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment4 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment3 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment5 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment1 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment6 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment0 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment2 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment3 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment4 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment6 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment5 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment1 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment0 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment10 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment13 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment9 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment12 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment7 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment11 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment8 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment12 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment12 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment8 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment8 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment7 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment7 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment9 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment9 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment13 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment13 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment11 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment11 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment10 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment10 - OldLOD: -1
ScriptLog: @FinalDestruction
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment0 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment1 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment6 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment5 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment2 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment3 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment4 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment7 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment11 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment12 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment13 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment8 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment5 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment1 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment6 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment3 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: -1
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment12 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment7 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment10 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment11 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment8 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment13 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0
ScriptLog: UltimateDestroyableEnvironment9 - @PostNetReceive with CurrentLOD value: 0

What happens is that the server tells all of them at the beginning of the match that -1 is the value for "CurrentLOD", although it actually didn't even need to do that because it is that value by default (and the server knows what values the client has because it remembers it all as it would be way too expensive to send a value to the client if the value would still be the same, so it rather compares first if the actual value on the server is the same that the server thinks the value is on the client).
Then I hit the Actors 7 - 13 with a Redeemer, which causes the server to tell them that the value now changed to 0. So far so well, but when the match is reset for another round, the server should tell them again that they start with -1. But for some reason does the server only tell that to the Actors that were NOT hit by a Redeemer, although their value is still -1 anyway. And those that actually got hit and changed does it tell that they should start with 0 instead of -1 and I have no idea why it does that.
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